The FreeRADIUS server  $Id: 15bac2a4c627c01d1aa2047687b3418955ac7f00 $
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1 /**
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7 @page server_doc
9 @section server_intro Introduction
11 FreeRADIUS uses a thread pool to serve requests. Each request is processed
12 synchronously, and processing passes through a series of stages, and a list
13 of modules in each stage.
15 The request is processed as follows
17 - The radius packet is received by a listener - see listen.c
18 - The radius packet is parsed and validated into a request - see ?
19 - The request is processed - see process.c
20 - The server passes through each authentication stage
21  - authorize
22  - if Proxy-To-Realm is set:
23  - pre-proxy
24  - send proxy request
25  - post-proxy
26  - else
27  - authenticate
28  - post-auth
29 - Authentication stages are lists of modules - see modcall.c
31 */