The FreeRADIUS server  $Id: 15bac2a4c627c01d1aa2047687b3418955ac7f00 $
util Directory Reference
+ Directory dependency graph for util:


file  acutest.h [code]
file  acutest_helpers.h [code]
 Type specific TEST_CHECK macros for acutest.
file  atexit.c [code]
 Macros to abstract Thread Local Storage.
file  atexit.h [code]
 Functions to help with cleanup.
file  base.h [code]
 Master include file to access all functions and structures in the library.
file  base16.c [code]
file  base16.h [code]
file  base32.c [code]
 Encode/decode binary data using printable characters (base32 format)
file  base32.h [code]
file  base64.c [code]
 Encode/decode binary data using printable characters (base64 format)
file  base64.h [code]
file  base_16_32_64_tests.c [code]
file  calc.c [code]
 Functions to perform calculations on leaf values.
file  calc.h [code]
file  cap.c [code]
 Functions to deal with Linux capabilities.
file  cap.h [code]
file  chap.c [code]
 Functions for parsing raw network packets.
file  chap.h [code]
 Structures and functions for parsing raw network packets.
file  conf.h [code]
file  dbuff.c [code]
 A generic data buffer structure for encoding and decoding.
file  dbuff.h [code]
 A generic data buffer structure for encoding and decoding.
file  dbuff_tests.c [code]
file  dcursor.c [code]
 Functions to iterate over a sets and subsets of items in dlists.
file  dcursor.h [code]
 Functions to iterate over a sets and subsets of items stored in dlists.
file  dcursor_tests.c [code]
file  dcursor_typed_tests.c [code]
file  debug.c [code]
 Functions to help with debugging.
file  debug.h [code]
 Debugging function definitions and structures.
file  decode.c [code]
 Generic functions for decoding protocols.
file  decode.h [code]
 Protocol decoder support functions.
file  dict.h [code]
 Multi-protocol AVP dictionary API.
file  dict_ext.c [code]
 Extensions to dictionary structures.
file  dict_ext.h [code]
 Multi-protocol AVP dictionary API.
file  dict_ext_priv.h [code]
 Extensions for dictionary definitions.
file  dict_fixup.c [code]
 Code to apply fctx and finalisation steps to a dictionary.
file  dict_fixup_priv.h [code]
 Functions to finalise and fixup dictionaries.
file  dict_print.c [code]
 Print dictionary attributes, flags, etc...
file  dict_priv.h [code]
 Private Multi-protocol AVP dictionary API.
file  dict_test.c [code]
 Common functions for test files which need to programmatically create test dictionaries.
file  dict_test.h [code]
 Functions to create test dictionaries for unit tests.
file  dict_tokenize.c [code]
 Parse dictionary files.
file  dict_unknown.c [code]
 Deal with 'unknown' attributes, creating ephemeral dictionary attributes for them.
file  dict_util.c [code]
 Multi-protocol AVP dictionary API.
file  dict_validate.c [code]
 Validation framework to allow protocols to set custom validation rules.
file  dl.c [code]
 Wrappers around dlopen to manage loading shared objects at runtime.
file  dl.h [code]
 Wrappers around dlopen.
file  dlist.h [code]
 Doubly linked list implementation.
file  dlist_tests.c [code]
 Tests for the dlist API.
file  dns.c [code]
 Functions to manipulate DNS labels.
file  dns.h [code]
 Functions to manipulate DNS labels.
file  edit.c [code]
 Functions to edit pair lists, and track undo operations.
file  edit.h [code]
 Structures and prototypes for editing lists.
file  edit_tests.c [code]
 Tests for a AVP manipulation and search API.
file  encode.c [code]
 Generic functions for decoding protocols.
file  encode.h [code]
 Protocol encoder support functions.
file  event.c [code]
 Wrapper around libkqueue to make managing events easier.
file  event.h [code]
 Wrapper around libkqueue to make managing events easier.
file  ext.c [code]
 'compositing' using talloced structures
file  ext.h [code]
 'compositing' using talloc structures
file  fifo.c [code]
 Non-thread-safe fifo (FIFO) implementation.
file  fifo.h [code]
file  file.c [code]
 Various miscellaneous functions to manipulate files and paths.
file  file.h [code]
 Various miscellaneous functions to manipulate files and paths.
file  fopencookie.c [code]
 Wrap funopen to provide an fopencookie compatible interface on systems that don't support it.
file  fopencookie.h [code]
 Provide missing types for fopencookie on systems that don't support it.
file  fring.c [code]
 Implementation of a circular buffer with fixed element size.
file  fring.h [code]
 Simple ring buffer with fixed element sizes.
file  fuzzer.c [code]
 Functions to manipulate DNS labels.
file  getaddrinfo.c [code]
 Replacement getaddrinfo functions.
file  hash.c [code]
 Resizable hash tables.
file  hash.h [code]
 Structures and prototypes for resizable hash tables.
file  heap.c [code]
 Functions for a basic binary heaps.
file  heap.h [code]
 Structures and prototypes for binary heaps.
file  heap_tests.c [code]
file  hmac_md5.c [code]
 MD5 HMAC not dependent on OpenSSL.
file  hmac_sha1.c [code]
 SHA1 HMAC not dependent on OpenSSL.
file  hmac_tests.c [code]
 Tests for the internal hmac functions.
file  htrie.c [code]
 hash / rb / patricia trees
file  htrie.h [code]
 Structures and prototypes for hash / rbtree / patricia trie structures.
file  hw.c [code]
 Functions for getting information about the system architecture.
file  hw.h [code]
 Functions for getting information about the system architecture.
file  inet.c [code]
 Functions for parsing, printing, masking and retrieving IP addresses.
file  inet.h [code]
 Structures and functions for parsing, printing, masking and retrieving IP addresses.
file  iovec.c [code]
 Functions for a basic binary heaps.
file  iovec.h [code]
file  isaac.c [code]
 Bob Jenkin's random number generator.
file  log.c [code]
 Support functions for logging in FreeRADIUS libraries.
file  log.h [code]
 libfreeradius logging functions
file  lsan.h [code]
 Integration with the leak sanitizer interface.
file  lst.c [code]
 Functions for a Leftmost Skeleton Tree.
file  lst.h [code]
 Structures and prototypes for leftmost skeleton trees (LSTs)
file  lst_tests.c [code]
file  machine.c [code]
 State machine functions.
file  machine.h [code]
 State machine functions.
file  math.h [code]
file  md4.c [code]
 A local MD4 implementation.
file  md4.h [code]
 Structures and prototypes for our local MD4 implementation.
file  md5.c [code]
 A local MD5 implementation.
file  md5.h [code]
 Structures and prototypes for our local MD5 implementation.
file  minmax_heap.c [code]
 Functions for a minmax heap.
file  minmax_heap.h [code]
 Structures and prototypes for binary min-max heaps.
file  minmax_heap_tests.c [code]
file  misc.c [code]
 Various miscellaneous utility functions.
file  misc.h [code]
 Various miscellaneous utility functions.
file  missing.c [code]
 Replacements for functions that are or can be missing on some platforms.
file  nbo.h [code]
 Structures and functions for converting integers to/from network byte order.
file  net.c [code]
 Functions for parsing raw network packets.
file  net.h [code]
 Structures and functions for parsing raw network packets.
file  packet.c [code]
 fr_packet_t alloc/free functions
file  packet.h [code]
 Structures and functions for packet manipulation.
file  pair.c [code]
 AVP manipulation and search API.
file  pair.h [code]
 AVP manipulation and search API.
file  pair_inline.c [code]
 AVP privately inlineable manipulation and search API.
file  pair_legacy.c [code]
 AVP manipulation and search API.
file  pair_legacy.h [code]
 Legacy API functions - DO NOT USE IN NEW CODE.
file  pair_legacy_tests.c [code]
 Tests for a AVP manipulation and search API.
file  pair_list_perf_test.c [code]
 Performance tests for lists of fr_pair_t.
file  pair_nested_tests.c [code]
file  pair_print.c [code]
 Pair serialisation API.
file  pair_test_helpers.h [code]
 Helper functions for pair tests.
file  pair_tests.c [code]
 Tests for a AVP manipulation and search API.
file  pair_tokenize.c [code]
 AVP parsing.
file  paths.c [code]
 Default paths.
file  paths.h [code]
 Default paths.
file  pcap.c [code]
 Wrappers around libpcap functions.
file  pcap.h [code]
file  perm.c [code]
 Implementation of filed semaphores that release on exit.
file  perm.h [code]
 Functions to produce and parse the FreeRADIUS presentation format.
file  print.c [code]
 Functions to produce and parse the FreeRADIUS presentation format.
file  print.h [code]
 Functions to produce and parse the FreeRADIUS presentation format.
file  proto.c [code]
 Protocol encoder/decoder support functions.
file  proto.h [code]
 Protocol encoder/decoder support functions.
file  rand.c [code]
 Functions to get randomness.
file  rand.h [code]
 Functions to get randomness.
file  rb.c [code]
 Red/black tree implementation.
file  rb.h [code]
 Red/black tree implementation.
file  rb_tests.c [code]
 Tests for rbtrees.
file  regex.c [code]
 Wrappers around various regular expression libraries.
file  regex.h [code]
file  retry.c [code]
 Handle RFC standard retransmissions.
file  retry.h [code]
 Boxed value structures and functions to manipulate them.
file  sbuff.c [code]
 A generic string buffer structure for string printing and parsing.
file  sbuff.h [code]
 A generic buffer structure for string printing and parsing strings.
file  sbuff_tests.c [code]
 Tests for a generic string buffer structure for string printing and parsing.
file  sem.c [code]
 Implementation of named semaphores that release on exit.
file  sem.h [code]
 Functions for establishing and managing low level sockets.
file  sha1.c [code]
 Local implementation of the SHA1 hashing scheme.
file  sha1.h [code]
 Local implementation of the SHA1 hashing scheme.
file  size.c [code]
 Size printing and parsing functions.
file  size.h [code]
 Boxed value structures and functions to manipulate them.
file  size_tests.c [code]
 Size printing/parsing.
file  slab.h [code]
 Resource pool management using slabs of memory.
file  slab_tests.c [code]
 Tests for slab allocator.
file  snprintf.c [code]
file  snprintf.h [code]
 Unix snprintf implementation.
file  socket.c [code]
 Functions for establishing and managing low level sockets.
file  socket.h [code]
file  stats.c [code]
 Map internal data structures to statistics.
file  stats.h [code]
 Structures and functions for statistics.
file  stdatomic.h [code]
file  strerror.c [code]
 Support functions to allow libraries to provide errors to their callers.
file  strerror.h [code]
 Support functions to allow libraries to provide errors to their callers.
file  strerror_tests.c [code]
 Tests for a generic string buffer structure for string printing and parsing.
file  strlcat.c [code]
 Implementation of the strlcat function.
file  strlcpy.c [code]
 Local implementation of the strlcpy function.
file  struct.c [code]
 Functions to encode / decode structures on the wire.
file  struct.h [code]
 Boxed value structures and functions to manipulate them.
file  syserror.c [code]
 Support functions to allow libraries to get system errors in a threadsafe and easily debuggable way.
file  syserror.h [code]
file  table.c [code]
 Functions to convert strings to integers and vice versa.
file  table.h [code]
 Lookup table functions.
file  talloc.c [code]
 Functions which we wish were included in the standard talloc distribution.
file  talloc.h [code]
 Functions which we wish were included in the standard talloc distribution.
file  time.c [code]
 Platform independent time functions.
file  time.h [code]
 Simple time functions.
file  time_tests.c [code]
 Tests for a generic string buffer structure for string printing and parsing.
file  timeval.c [code]
 Platform independent time functions.
file  timeval.h [code]
 Functions for manipulating timeval structures.
file  tlist.h [code]
 Tree list implementation.
file  token.c [code]
 Tokenisation code and constants.
file  token.h [code]
 Tokenisation code and constants.
file  trie.c [code]
 Path-compressed prefix tries.
file  trie.h [code]
 Path-compressed prefix tries.
file  types.c [code]
 Boxed value structures and functions to manipulate them.
file  types.h [code]
 Types of values contained within an fr_value_box_t.
file  udp.c [code]
 Utility functions for managing UDP sockets.
file  udp.h [code]
 Utility functions for managing UDP sockets.
file  udp_queue.c [code]
file  udp_queue.h [code]
 Handle queues of outgoing UDP packets.
file  udpfromto.c [code]
 API for sending and receiving packets on unconnected UDP sockets.
file  udpfromto.h [code]
 API for sending and receiving packets on unconnected UDP sockets.
file  uint128.h [code]
 Common functions for manipulating unsigned 128bit integers on platforms without compiler support.
file  uri.c [code]
 Functions for dealing with URIs.
file  uri.h [code]
file  value.c [code]
 Boxed value structures and functions to manipulate them.
file  value.h [code]
 Boxed value structures and functions to manipulate them.
file  version.c [code]
 Validate application and library magic numbers.
file  version.h [code]
 Version checking functions.