26#include <freeradius-devel/server/cf_util.h>
27#include <freeradius-devel/server/map_proc.h>
28#include <freeradius-devel/server/modpriv.h>
29#include <freeradius-devel/server/map_proc.h>
30#include <freeradius-devel/util/debug.h>
31#include <freeradius-devel/util/value.h>
int(* map_proc_instantiate_t)(CONF_SECTION *cs, void const *mod_inst, void *proc_inst, tmpl_t const *src, map_list_t const *maps)
Allocate new instance data for a map processor.
unlang_action_t(* map_proc_func_t)(rlm_rcode_t *p_result, void const *mod_inst, void *proc_inst, request_t *request, fr_value_box_list_t *result, map_list_t const *maps)
Function to evaluate the src string and map the result to server attributes.
char name[FR_MAX_STRING_LEN]
Name of the map function.
int length
Length of name.
void const * mod_inst
Module instance.
fr_rb_node_t node
Entry in the map processor tree.
fr_value_box_safe_for_t literals_safe_for
Safe for values to be set for literals in the map source.
map_proc_t const * proc
Map processor.
tmpl_t const * src
Evaluated to provide source value for map processor.
size_t inst_size
Size of map_proc instance data to allocate.
map_proc_func_t evaluate
Module's map processor function.
void * data
Instance data created by map_proc_instantiate.
map_proc_instantiate_t instantiate
Callback to create new instance struct.
map_list_t const * maps
Head of the map list.
Map processor registration.
uintptr_t fr_value_box_safe_for_t
Escaping that's been applied to a value box.