Returned by unlang_op_t calls, determine the next action of the interpreter.
static unlang_catch_t * unlang_group_to_catch(unlang_group_t *g)
Cast a group structure to the transaction keyword extension.
unlang_action_t unlang_interpret_skip_to_catch(rlm_rcode_t *p_result, request_t *request, unlang_stack_frame_t *frame)
Skip ahead to a particular "catch" instruction.
static unlang_catch_t const * unlang_generic_to_catch(unlang_t const *g)
Cast a generic structure to the catch keyword extension.
Return codes indicating the result of the module call.
How many valid return codes there are.
#define talloc_get_type_abort_const
Private interpreter structures and functions.
Generic representation of a grouping.
A node in a graph of unlang_op_t (s) that we execute.
Our interpreter stack, as distinct from the C stack.