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tmpl.h File Reference

Structures and prototypes for templates. More...

#include <freeradius-devel/util/table.h>
#include <freeradius-devel/util/dlist.h>
#include <freeradius-devel/util/value.h>
#include <freeradius-devel/server/tmpl_escape.h>
#include <freeradius-devel/unlang/xlat.h>
#include <freeradius-devel/unlang/xlat_ctx.h>
#include <freeradius-devel/util/packet.h>
#include <freeradius-devel/util/proto.h>
#include <freeradius-devel/util/regex.h>
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Data Structures

struct  tmpl_attr_extent_t
 Describes the current extents of a pair tree in relation to the tree described by a tmpl_t. More...
struct  tmpl_attr_filter_t
union  tmpl_attr_filter_t.__unnamed81__
struct  tmpl_attr_rules_s
 Define entry and head types for tmpl request references. More...
struct  tmpl_attr_t
 An element in a list of nested attribute references. More...
union  tmpl_attr_t.__unnamed83__
struct  tmpl_attr_t.__unnamed83__.unknown
struct  tmpl_attr_t.__unnamed83__.unresolved
struct  tmpl_request_t
 Define manipulation functions for the attribute reference list. More...
struct  tmpl_res_rules_s
 Similar to tmpl_rules_t, but used to specify parameters that may change during subsequent resolution passes. More...
struct  tmpl_rules_s
 Optional arguments passed to vp_tmpl functions. More...
struct  tmpl_s
 A source or sink of value data. More...
struct  tmpl_xlat_rules_s


#define _CONST   const
#define FR_TYPE_FROM_PTR(_ptr)
 Map ptr type to a boxed type.
#define NUM_ALL   (INT16_MIN + 1)
#define NUM_COUNT   (INT16_MIN + 2)
#define NUM_LAST   (INT16_MIN + 3)
#define NUM_UNSPEC   INT16_MIN
#define tmpl_aexpand(_ctx, _out, _request, _vpt, _escape, _escape_ctx)    _tmpl_to_atype(_ctx, (void *)(_out), _request, _vpt, _escape, _escape_ctx, FR_TYPE_FROM_PTR(_out))
 Expand a tmpl to a C type, allocing a new buffer to hold the string.
#define tmpl_aexpand_type(_ctx, _out, _type, _request, _vpt, _escape, _escape_ctx)    _tmpl_to_atype(_ctx, (void *)(_out), _request, _vpt, _escape, _escape_ctx, _type)
 Expand a tmpl to a C type, allocing a new buffer to hold the string.
#define tmpl_assert_type(_cond)
 Convenience macro for printing a meaningful assert message when we get a bad tmpl type.
#define TMPL_ATTR_VERIFY(_vpt)
#define tmpl_contains_attr(vpt)   ((vpt)->type & TMPL_FLAG_ATTR)
#define tmpl_contains_data(vpt)   ((vpt)->type & TMPL_TYPE_DATA)
#define tmpl_contains_regex(vpt)   ((vpt)->type & TMPL_FLAG_REGEX)
#define tmpl_contains_xlat(vpt)   ((vpt)->type & TMPL_FLAG_XLAT)
#define tmpl_expand(_out, _buff, _buff_len, _request, _vpt, _escape, _escape_ctx)
 Expand a tmpl to a C type, using existing storage to hold variably sized types.
#define TMPL_FLAG_ATTR   0x01000000
 Base data type is an attribute reference.
#define TMPL_FLAG_REGEX   0x04000000
 Is a type of regular expression.
#define TMPL_FLAG_UNRESOLVED   0x08000000
 Needs resolution.
#define TMPL_FLAG_XLAT   0x02000000
 Base data type is an xlat expansion.
#define tmpl_is_attr(vpt)   ((vpt)->type == TMPL_TYPE_ATTR)
#define tmpl_is_attr_unresolved(vpt)   ((vpt)->type == TMPL_TYPE_ATTR_UNRESOLVED)
#define tmpl_is_data(vpt)   ((vpt)->type == TMPL_TYPE_DATA)
#define tmpl_is_data_unresolved(vpt)   ((vpt)->type == TMPL_TYPE_DATA_UNRESOLVED)
#define tmpl_is_exec(vpt)   ((vpt)->type == TMPL_TYPE_EXEC)
#define tmpl_is_exec_unresolved(vpt)   ((vpt)->type == TMPL_TYPE_EXEC_UNRESOLVED)
#define tmpl_is_null(vpt)   ((vpt)->type == TMPL_TYPE_NULL)
#define tmpl_is_regex(vpt)   ((vpt)->type == TMPL_TYPE_REGEX)
#define tmpl_is_regex_uncompiled(vpt)   ((vpt)->type == TMPL_TYPE_REGEX_UNCOMPILED)
#define tmpl_is_regex_xlat(vpt)   ((vpt)->type == TMPL_TYPE_REGEX_XLAT)
#define tmpl_is_regex_xlat_unresolved(vpt)   ((vpt)->type == TMPL_TYPE_REGEX_XLAT_UNRESOLVED)
#define tmpl_is_uninitialised(vpt)   ((vpt)->type == TMPL_TYPE_UNINITIALISED)
 Helpers to verify the type of tmpl_t.
#define tmpl_is_xlat(vpt)   ((vpt)->type == TMPL_TYPE_XLAT)
#define tmpl_is_xlat_unresolved(vpt)   ((vpt)->type == TMPL_TYPE_XLAT_UNRESOLVED)
 The maximum number of request references allowed.
#define tmpl_needs_resolving(vpt)   ((vpt)->type & TMPL_FLAG_UNRESOLVED)
#define tmpl_pair_list_and_ctx(_ctx, _head, _request, _ref, _list)
 Determine the correct context and list head.
 Define manipulation functions for the attribute reference list.
#define TMPL_POOL_DEF_LEN   (sizeof(tmpl_t) + 64 + sizeof(tmpl_attr_t) + sizeof(tmpl_request_t))
 How many additional bytes to allocate in a pool for a tmpl_t.
#define TMPL_VERIFY(_vpt)


typedef struct tmpl_attr_rules_s tmpl_attr_rules_t
typedef struct tmpl_literal_rules_s tmpl_literal_rules_t
typedef enum requests_ref_e tmpl_request_ref_t
typedef struct tmpl_res_rules_s tmpl_res_rules_t
typedef struct tmpl_rules_s tmpl_rules_t
typedef struct tmpl_s tmpl_t
typedef enum tmpl_type_e tmpl_type_t
 Types of tmpl_t.
typedef struct tmpl_xlat_rules_s tmpl_xlat_rules_t


enum  requests_ref_e {
enum  tmpl_attr_error_t {
enum  tmpl_attr_filter_type_t {
 Define entry and head types for attribute reference lists. More...
enum  tmpl_attr_list_presence_t {
 Specify whether attribute references can have a list (or parent) reference. More...
enum  tmpl_attr_prefix_t {
 Specify whether attribute references require a prefix. More...
enum  tmpl_attr_type_t {
enum  tmpl_type_e {
  TMPL_TYPE_NULL = 0x0001 ,
  TMPL_TYPE_DATA = 0x0002 ,
 Types of tmpl_t. More...


int tmpl_afrom_value_box (TALLOC_CTX *ctx, tmpl_t **out, fr_value_box_t *data, bool steal)
 Create a tmpl_t from a fr_value_box_t.
tmpl_ttmpl_alloc (TALLOC_CTX *ctx, tmpl_type_t type, fr_token_t quote, char const *name, ssize_t len)
 Create a new heap allocated tmpl_t.
bool tmpl_async_required (tmpl_t const *vpt)
 Return whether or not async is required for this tmpl.
int tmpl_attr_afrom_list (TALLOC_CTX *ctx, tmpl_t **out, tmpl_t const *list, fr_dict_attr_t const *da)
 Create a new tmpl from a list tmpl and a da.
int tmpl_attr_copy (tmpl_t *dst, tmpl_t const *src)
 Copy a list of attribute and request references from one tmpl to another.
void tmpl_attr_debug (tmpl_t const *vpt)
fr_slen_t tmpl_attr_list_from_substr (fr_dict_attr_t const **da_p, fr_sbuff_t *in)
 Parse one a single list reference.
void tmpl_attr_ref_debug (const tmpl_attr_t *ar, int idx)
void tmpl_attr_ref_list_debug (FR_DLIST_HEAD(tmpl_attr_list) const *ar_head)
void tmpl_attr_rewrite_leaf_num (tmpl_t *vpt, int16_t num)
 Rewrite the leaf's instance number.
int tmpl_attr_set_da (tmpl_t *vpt, fr_dict_attr_t const *da)
 Replace the current attribute reference.
int tmpl_attr_set_leaf_da (tmpl_t *vpt, fr_dict_attr_t const *da)
 Replace the leaf attribute only.
void tmpl_attr_set_list (tmpl_t *vpt, fr_dict_attr_t const *list)
void tmpl_attr_set_request_ref (tmpl_t *vpt, FR_DLIST_HEAD(tmpl_request_list) const *request_def)
 Set the request for an attribute ref.
void tmpl_debug (tmpl_t const *vpt)
int tmpl_global_init (void)
tmpl_ttmpl_init (tmpl_t *vpt, tmpl_type_t type, fr_token_t quote, char const *name, ssize_t len, tmpl_rules_t const *t_rules))
 Initialise a tmpl using a literal string to create the name.
tmpl_ttmpl_init_printf (tmpl_t *vpt, tmpl_type_t type, fr_token_t quote, char const *fmt,...))
 Initialise a tmpl using a format string to create the name.
tmpl_ttmpl_init_shallow (tmpl_t *vpt, tmpl_type_t type, fr_token_t quote, char const *name, ssize_t len, tmpl_rules_t const *t_rules))
 Initialise a tmpl without copying the input name string.
static bool tmpl_is_list (tmpl_t const *vpt)
TALLOC_CTX * tmpl_list_ctx (request_t *request, fr_dict_attr_t const *list)
 Return the correct TALLOC_CTX to alloc fr_pair_t in, for a list.
fr_pair_list_ttmpl_list_head (request_t *request, fr_dict_attr_t const *list)
 Resolve attribute fr_pair_list_t value to an attribute list.
static char const * tmpl_list_name (fr_dict_attr_t const *list, char const *def)
 Return the name of a tmpl list or def if list not provided.
fr_packet_ttmpl_packet_ptr (request_t *request, fr_dict_attr_t const *list)
 Resolve a list to the fr_packet_t holding the HEAD pointer for a fr_pair_t list.
ssize_t tmpl_preparse (char const **out, size_t *outlen, char const *in, size_t inlen, fr_token_t *type))
 Preparse a string in preparation for passing it to tmpl_afrom_substr()
void tmpl_rules_child_init (TALLOC_CTX *ctx, tmpl_rules_t *out, tmpl_rules_t const *parent, tmpl_t *vpt)
 Initialize a set of rules from a parent set of rules, and a parsed tmpl_t.
void tmpl_rules_debug (tmpl_rules_t const *rules)
void tmpl_set_dict_def (tmpl_t *vpt, fr_dict_t const *dict)
 Change the default dictionary in the tmpl's resolution rules.
void tmpl_set_escape (tmpl_t *vpt, tmpl_escape_t const *escape)
 Set escape parameters for the tmpl output.
void tmpl_set_name (tmpl_t *vpt, fr_token_t quote, char const *name, ssize_t len)
 Set the name on a pre-initialised tmpl.
void tmpl_set_name_printf (tmpl_t *vpt, fr_token_t quote, char const *fmt,...))
 Set the name on a pre-initialised tmpl.
void tmpl_set_name_shallow (tmpl_t *vpt, fr_token_t quote, char const *name, ssize_t len)
 Set the name on a pre-initialised tmpl.
void tmpl_set_xlat (tmpl_t *vpt, xlat_exp_head_t *xlat)
 Change the default dictionary in the tmpl's resolution rules.
int tmpl_value_list_insert_tail (fr_value_box_list_t *list, fr_value_box_t *vb, tmpl_t const *vpt)
 Insert a value-box to a list, with casting.


fr_table_num_ordered_t const pair_list_table []
size_t pair_list_table_len
fr_table_num_sorted_t const tmpl_request_ref_table []
 Map keywords to tmpl_request_ref_t values.
size_t tmpl_request_ref_table_len
fr_table_num_ordered_t const tmpl_type_table []
 Map tmpl_type_t values to descriptive strings.
size_t tmpl_type_table_len

Field accessors for attribute references

#define ar_cond   filter.cond
#define ar_da   da
#define ar_depth   depth
#define ar_expr   filter.expr
#define ar_filter_is_cond(_ar)   ((_ar)->ar_filter_type == TMPL_ATTR_FILTER_TYPE_CONDITION)
#define ar_filter_is_expr(_ar)   ((_ar)->ar_filter_type == TMPL_ATTR_FILTER_TYPE_EXPR)
#define ar_filter_is_none(_ar)   ((_ar)->ar_filter_type == TMPL_ATTR_FILTER_TYPE_NONE)
#define ar_filter_is_num(_ar)   ((_ar)->ar_filter_type == TMPL_ATTR_FILTER_TYPE_INDEX)
#define ar_filter_is_tmpl(_ar)   ((_ar)->ar_filter_type == TMPL_ATTR_FILTER_TYPE_TMPL)
#define ar_filter_type   filter.type
#define ar_is_normal(_ar)   ((_ar)->ar_type == TMPL_ATTR_TYPE_NORMAL)
#define ar_is_raw(_ar)   ((_ar)->is_raw)
#define ar_is_unknown(_ar)   ((_ar)->ar_type == TMPL_ATTR_TYPE_UNKNOWN)
#define ar_is_unresolved(_ar)   ((_ar)->ar_type == TMPL_ATTR_TYPE_UNRESOLVED)
#define ar_is_unspecified(_ar)   ((_ar)->ar_type == TMPL_ATTR_TYPE_UNSPEC)
#define ar_num   filter.num
#define ar_parent   parent
#define ar_tmpl   filter.tmpl
#define ar_type   type
#define ar_unknown   unknown.da
#define ar_unresolved
#define ar_unresolved_namespace   unresolved.namespace


static FR_DLIST_HEAD (tmpl_request_list) tmpl_request_def_current
 Static default request ref list for the current request.
#define tmpl_attr(_tmpl)   &(_tmpl)->
static bool tmpl_attr_head_is_list (tmpl_t const *vpt)
 Return true if the head attribute reference is a list reference.
static bool tmpl_attr_is_list_attr (tmpl_attr_t const *ar)
 Return true if the tmpl_attr is one of the list types.
static size_t tmpl_attr_num_elements (tmpl_t const *vpt)
 The number of attribute references contained within a tmpl.
static tmpl_attr_t const * tmpl_attr_tail (tmpl_t const *vpt)
 Return the last attribute reference.
static fr_dict_attr_t const * tmpl_attr_tail_da (tmpl_t const *vpt)
 Return the last attribute reference da.
static bool tmpl_attr_tail_da_is_leaf (tmpl_t const *vpt)
 Return true if the the last attribute reference is a leaf attribute.
static bool tmpl_attr_tail_da_is_structural (tmpl_t const *vpt)
 Return true if the the last attribute reference is a structural attribute.
static bool tmpl_attr_tail_is_normal (tmpl_t const *vpt)
 Return true if the last attribute reference is "normal".
static bool tmpl_attr_tail_is_raw (tmpl_t const *vpt)
 Return true if the last attribute reference is "raw".
static bool tmpl_attr_tail_is_unknown (tmpl_t const *vpt)
 Return true if the last attribute reference is "unknown".
static bool tmpl_attr_tail_is_unresolved (tmpl_t const *vpt)
 Return true if the last attribute reference is "unresolved".
static bool tmpl_attr_tail_is_unspecified (tmpl_t const *vpt)
 Return true if the last attribute reference is "unspecified".
static int16_t tmpl_attr_tail_num (tmpl_t const *vpt)
 Return the last attribute reference's attribute number.
static fr_dict_attr_t const * tmpl_attr_tail_unknown (tmpl_t const *vpt)
 Return the last attribute reference unknown da.
static char const * tmpl_attr_tail_unresolved (tmpl_t const *vpt)
 Return the last attribute reference unresolved da.
static fr_dict_attr_t const * tmpl_list (tmpl_t const *vpt)
static size_t tmpl_request_ref_count (tmpl_t const *vpt)
 The number of request references contained within a tmpl.

Field accessors for #TMPL_TYPE_XLAT

#define tmpl_xlat(_tmpl)   (_tmpl)->data.xlat.ex

Field accessors for #TMPL_TYPE_DATA

#define tmpl_rules_cast(_tmpl)   (_tmpl)->rules.cast
#define tmpl_rules_enumv(_tmpl)   (_tmpl)->rules.enumv
#define tmpl_value(_tmpl)   (&(_tmpl)->data.literal)
#define tmpl_value_enumv(_tmpl)   (_tmpl)->data.literal.enumv
#define tmpl_value_length(_tmpl)   (_tmpl)->data.literal.vb_length
#define tmpl_value_type(_tmpl)   (_tmpl)->data.literal.type

Parse request qualifiers

int tmpl_request_ptr (request_t **request, FR_DLIST_HEAD(tmpl_request_list) const *rql)
 Resolve a tmpl_request_ref_t to a request_t.
#define tmpl_request_ref_is_current(_list)   (tmpl_request_ref_list_cmp(_list, &tmpl_request_def_current) == 0)
 Returns true if the specified qualifier list points to the current request.
#define tmpl_request_ref_is_outer(_list)   (tmpl_request_ref_list_cmp(_list, &tmpl_request_def_outer) == 0)
 Returns true if the specified qualifier list points to the outer request.
#define tmpl_request_ref_is_parent(_list)   (tmpl_request_ref_list_cmp(_list, &tmpl_request_def_parent) == 0)
 Returns true if the specified qualifier list points to the parent request.
fr_slen_t tmpl_request_ref_list_afrom_substr (TALLOC_CTX *ctx, tmpl_attr_error_t *err, FR_DLIST_HEAD(tmpl_request_list) _CONST **out, fr_sbuff_t *in)
int8_t tmpl_request_ref_list_cmp (FR_DLIST_HEAD(tmpl_request_list) const *a, FR_DLIST_HEAD(tmpl_request_list) const *b)
 Compare a list of request qualifiers.
void tmpl_request_ref_list_debug (FR_DLIST_HEAD(tmpl_request_list) const *rql)
 Dump a request list to stderr.

Print the contents of a #tmpl_t

static fr_slen_t ar_prefix
static fr_slen_t tmpl_aprint (TALLOC_CTX *ctx, char **out, tmpl_t const *vpt, tmpl_attr_prefix_t ar_prefix, fr_sbuff_escape_rules_t const *e_rules) 1(tmpl_print
static fr_slen_t tmpl_aprint_quoted (TALLOC_CTX *ctx, char **out, tmpl_t const *vpt, tmpl_attr_prefix_t ar_prefix) 1(tmpl_print_quoted
static fr_slen_t tmpl_attr_aprint (TALLOC_CTX *ctx, char **out, tmpl_t const *vpt, tmpl_attr_prefix_t ar_prefix) 1(tmpl_attr_print
static fr_slen_t rql fr_slen_t tmpl_attr_print (fr_sbuff_t *out, tmpl_t const *vpt, tmpl_attr_prefix_t ar_prefix))
 Print an attribute or list tmpl_t to a string.
static fr_slen_t ar_prefix fr_slen_t tmpl_print (fr_sbuff_t *out, tmpl_t const *vpt, tmpl_attr_prefix_t ar_prefix, fr_sbuff_escape_rules_t const *e_rules))
 Print a tmpl_t to a string.
static fr_slen_t e_rules fr_slen_t tmpl_print_quoted (fr_sbuff_t *out, tmpl_t const *vpt, tmpl_attr_prefix_t ar_prefix)
 Print a tmpl_t to a string with quotes.
static fr_slen_t tmpl_request_ref_list_aprint (TALLOC_CTX *ctx, char **out, FR_DLIST_HEAD(tmpl_request_list) const *rql) 1(tmpl_request_ref_list_print
fr_slen_t tmpl_request_ref_list_print (fr_sbuff_t *out, FR_DLIST_HEAD(tmpl_request_list) const *rql))
static fr_slen_t vpt

Functions for printing and parsing tmpl type names

static tmpl_type_t tmpl_type_from_str (char const *type)
 Return the constant value representing a type.
static char const * tmpl_type_to_str (tmpl_type_t type)
 Return a static string containing the type name.

Produce a #tmpl_t from a string or substring

ssize_t tmpl_afrom_attr_str (TALLOC_CTX *ctx, tmpl_attr_error_t *err, tmpl_t **out, char const *name, tmpl_rules_t const *rules))
 Parse a string into a TMPL_TYPE_ATTR_* type tmpl_t.
ssize_t tmpl_afrom_attr_substr (TALLOC_CTX *ctx, tmpl_attr_error_t *err, tmpl_t **out, fr_sbuff_t *name, fr_sbuff_parse_rules_t const *p_rules, tmpl_rules_t const *t_rules))
 Parse a string into a TMPL_TYPE_ATTR_* type tmpl_t.
ssize_t tmpl_afrom_substr (TALLOC_CTX *ctx, tmpl_t **out, fr_sbuff_t *in, fr_token_t quote, fr_sbuff_parse_rules_t const *p_rules, tmpl_rules_t const *t_rules))
 Convert an arbitrary string into a tmpl_t.
ssize_t tmpl_cast_from_substr (tmpl_rules_t *t_rules, fr_sbuff_t *in))
 Parse a cast specifier.
static fr_type_t tmpl_cast_get (tmpl_t *vpt)
int tmpl_cast_set (tmpl_t *vpt, fr_type_t type)
 Set a cast for a tmpl.
tmpl_ttmpl_copy (TALLOC_CTX *ctx, tmpl_t const *in)
 Copy a tmpl.

Change a #tmpl_t type, usually by casting or resolving a reference

int tmpl_attr_tail_unresolved_add (fr_dict_t *dict, tmpl_t *vpt, fr_type_t type, fr_dict_attr_flags_t const *flags))
 Add an unresolved fr_dict_attr_t specified by a tmpl_t to the main dictionary.
void tmpl_attr_to_raw (tmpl_t *vpt)
 Convert the leaf attribute of a tmpl to a unknown/raw type.
int tmpl_attr_to_xlat (TALLOC_CTX *ctx, tmpl_t **vpt_p)
 Convert an attribute reference to an xlat expansion.
int tmpl_attr_unknown_add (tmpl_t *vpt)
 Add an unknown fr_dict_attr_t specified by a tmpl_t to the main dictionary.
int tmpl_cast_in_place (tmpl_t *vpt, fr_type_t type, fr_dict_attr_t const *enumv))
 Convert tmpl_t of type TMPL_TYPE_DATA_UNRESOLVED or TMPL_TYPE_DATA to TMPL_TYPE_DATA of type specified.
int tmpl_resolve (tmpl_t *vpt, tmpl_res_rules_t const *tr_rules))
 Attempt to resolve functions and attributes in xlats and attribute references.
void tmpl_unresolve (tmpl_t *vpt)
 Reset the tmpl, leaving only the name in place.

Expand the tmpl, returning one or more values

ssize_t _tmpl_to_atype (TALLOC_CTX *ctx, void *out, request_t *request, tmpl_t const *vpt, xlat_escape_legacy_t escape, void const *escape_ctx, fr_type_t dst_type))
 Expand a template to a string, allocing a new buffer to hold the string.
ssize_t _tmpl_to_type (void *out, uint8_t *buff, size_t outlen, request_t *request, tmpl_t const *vpt, xlat_escape_legacy_t escape, void const *escape_ctx, fr_type_t dst_type))
 Expand a tmpl_t to a string writing the result to a buffer.
int pair_append_by_tmpl_parent (TALLOC_CTX *ctx, fr_pair_t **out, fr_pair_list_t *list, tmpl_t const *vpt, bool skip_list))
 Allocate and insert a leaf vp from a tmpl_t, building the parent vps if needed.
int tmpl_copy_pair_children (TALLOC_CTX *ctx, fr_pair_list_t *out, request_t *request, tmpl_t const *vpt))
 Copy children of pairs matching a tmpl_t in the current request_t.
int tmpl_copy_pairs (TALLOC_CTX *ctx, fr_pair_list_t *out, request_t *request, tmpl_t const *vpt))
 Copy pairs matching a tmpl_t in the current request_t.
int tmpl_eval (TALLOC_CTX *ctx, fr_value_box_list_t *out, request_t *request, tmpl_t const *vpt)
 Gets the value of a tmpl.
int tmpl_eval_cast_in_place (fr_value_box_list_t *out, request_t *request, tmpl_t const *vpt)
 Casts a value or list of values according to the tmpl.
int tmpl_eval_pair (TALLOC_CTX *ctx, fr_value_box_list_t *out, request_t *request, tmpl_t const *vpt)
 Gets the value of a real or virtual attribute.
fr_type_t tmpl_expanded_type (tmpl_t const *vpt)
 Return the native data type of the expression.
int tmpl_extents_build_to_leaf_parent (fr_dlist_head_t *leaf, fr_dlist_head_t *interior, tmpl_t const *vpt)
 Allocate interior pairs.
void tmpl_extents_debug (fr_dlist_head_t *head)
int tmpl_extents_find (TALLOC_CTX *ctx, fr_dlist_head_t *leaf, fr_dlist_head_t *interior, request_t *request, tmpl_t const *vpt))
 Determines points where the reference list extends beyond the current pair tree.
int tmpl_find_or_add_vp (fr_pair_t **out, request_t *request, tmpl_t const *vpt)
 Returns the first VP matching a tmpl_t, or if no VPs match, creates a new one.
int tmpl_find_vp (fr_pair_t **out, request_t *request, tmpl_t const *vpt))
 Returns the first VP matching a tmpl_t.

Detailed Description

Structures and prototypes for templates.


These functions are used to work with tmpl_t structs.

tmpl_t (VPTs) specify either a data source, or a data sink.

Examples of sources are TMPL_TYPE_XLAT_UNRESOLVED, TMPL_TYPE_EXEC and TMPL_TYPE_ATTR. Examples of sinks are TMPL_TYPE_ATTR.

VPTs are used to gather values or attributes for evaluation, or copying, and to specify where values or fr_pair_t should be copied to.

To create new tmpl_t use one of the tmpl_*from_* functions. These parse strings into VPTs. The main parsing function is tmpl_afrom_substr, which can produce most types of VPTs. It uses the type of quoting (passed as an fr_token_t) to determine what type of VPT to parse the string as. For example a T_DOUBLE_QUOTED_STRING will produce either a TMPL_TYPE_XLAT_UNRESOLVED or a TMPL_TYPE_DATA_UNRESOLVED (depending if the string contained a non-literal expansion).

See also

In the case of TMPL_TYPE_ATTR, there are special cursor overlay functions which can be used to iterate over only the fr_pair_t that match a tmpl_t in a given list.

See also

Or for simplicity, there are functions which wrap the cursor functions, to copy or return the fr_pair_t that match the VPT.

See also

If you just need the string value of whatever the VPT refers to, the tmpl_*expand functions may be used. These functions evaluate the VPT, execing, and xlat expanding as necessary. In the case of TMPL_TYPE_ATTR, and FR_TYPE_STRING or FR_TYPE_OCTETS tmpl_expand will return a pointer to the raw fr_pair_t buffer. This can be very useful when using the CONF_FLAG_TMPL type in conf_parser_t structs, as it allows the user to determine whether they want the module to sanitise the value using presentation format specific xlat_escape_legacy_t function, or to operate on the raw value.

See also

Definition in file tmpl.h.

Data Structure Documentation

◆ tmpl_attr_extent_t

struct tmpl_attr_extent_t

Describes the current extents of a pair tree in relation to the tree described by a tmpl_t.

Definition at line 618 of file tmpl.h.

+ Collaboration diagram for tmpl_attr_extent_t:
Data Fields
tmpl_attr_t const * ar Attribute representing the ar after the deepest node that was found in the existing pair tree when evaluating this path.

If this is NULL, then all ars were evaluated.

fr_dlist_t entry Entry in the dlist of extents.
fr_pair_list_t * list List that we tried to evaluate ar in and failed.

Or if ar is NULL, the list that represents the deepest grouping or TLV attribute the chain of ars referenced.

TALLOC_CTX * list_ctx Where to allocate new attributes if building out from the current extents of the tree.

◆ tmpl_attr_filter_t

struct tmpl_attr_filter_t

Definition at line 426 of file tmpl.h.

Data Fields
union tmpl_attr_filter_t.__unnamed81__ __unnamed__
int16_t _CONST num For array references.
tmpl_attr_filter_type_t _CONST type Type of filter this is.

◆ tmpl_attr_filter_t.__unnamed81__

union tmpl_attr_filter_t.__unnamed81__

Definition at line 435 of file tmpl.h.

Data Fields
xlat_exp_head_t _CONST * cond xlat condition
xlat_exp_head_t _CONST * expr xlat expression
tmpl_t _CONST * tmpl tmpl

◆ tmpl_attr_t.__unnamed83__

union tmpl_attr_t.__unnamed83__

Definition at line 451 of file tmpl.h.

Data Fields
struct tmpl_attr_t.__unnamed83__.unknown unknown
struct tmpl_attr_t.__unnamed83__.unresolved unresolved

◆ tmpl_attr_t.__unnamed83__.unknown

struct tmpl_attr_t.__unnamed83__.unknown

Definition at line 452 of file tmpl.h.

Data Fields
fr_dict_attr_t *_CONST da Unknown dictionary attribute.

◆ tmpl_attr_t.__unnamed83__.unresolved

struct tmpl_attr_t.__unnamed83__.unresolved

Definition at line 456 of file tmpl.h.

Data Fields
char *_CONST name Undefined reference type.

◆ tmpl_res_rules_s

struct tmpl_res_rules_s

Similar to tmpl_rules_t, but used to specify parameters that may change during subsequent resolution passes.

When a tmpl is parsed initially the rules are stored in the tmpl_t.

During subsequent resolution phases where unresolved attributes are resolved to dictionary attributes the initial tmpl_rules_t is used to control resolution.

In some instances however (primarily policies), some rules may need change between initial parsing and subsequent resolution phases.

This structure holds rules which may override the tmpl_rules_s during subsequent resolution passes.

Definition at line 379 of file tmpl.h.

+ Collaboration diagram for tmpl_res_rules_s:
Data Fields
fr_dict_t const * dict_def Alternative default dictionary to use if vpt->rules->dict_def is NULL.

Will be written to vpt->rules->dict_def if used.

fr_dict_attr_t const * enumv for resolving T_BARE_WORD
bool force_dict_def Use supplied dict_def even if original vpt->rules->dict_def was not NULL.

◆ tmpl_rules_s

struct tmpl_rules_s

Optional arguments passed to vp_tmpl functions.

Definition at line 347 of file tmpl.h.

+ Collaboration diagram for tmpl_rules_s:
Data Fields
bool at_runtime Produce an ephemeral/runtime tmpl.

Instantiated xlats are not added to the global trees, regexes are not JIT'd.

tmpl_attr_rules_t attr Rules/data for parsing attribute references.
fr_type_t cast Whether there was an explicit cast.

Used to determine if barewords or other values should be converted to an internal data type.

fr_dict_attr_t const * enumv Enumeration attribute used to resolve enum values.
tmpl_escape_t escape How escaping should be handled during evaluation.
fr_value_box_safe_for_t literals_safe_for safe_for value assigned to literal values in xlats, execs, and data.
tmpl_rules_t const * parent for parent / child relationships
tmpl_xlat_rules_t xlat Rules/data for parsing xlats.

◆ tmpl_s

struct tmpl_s

A source or sink of value data.

Is used as both the RHS and LHS of a map (both update, and conditional types)

Use in update map_t

When used on the LHS it describes an attribute to create and should be one of these types:

When used on the RHS it describes the value to assign to the attribute being created and should be one of these types:

Use in conditional map_t

When used as part of a condition it may be any of the RHS side types, as well as:

See also

Definition at line 562 of file tmpl.h.

+ Collaboration diagram for tmpl_s:
Data Fields
union data
size_t _CONST len Length of the raw string used to create the template.
char const *_CONST name Raw string used to create the template.

this string will have any escape sequences left intact.

fr_token_t _CONST quote What type of quoting was around the raw string.
tmpl_rules_t _CONST rules The rules that were used when creating the tmpl.

These are useful for multiple resolution passes as they ensure the correct parsing rules are applied.

tmpl_type_t _CONST type What type of value tmpl refers to.



Definition at line 570 of file tmpl.h.

Data Fields
struct __unnamed__
_CONST struct attribute
fr_value_box_t literal Value data.
char * unescaped Unescaped form of the name, used for TMPL_TYPE_DATA_UNRESOLVED and TMPL_TYPE_REGEX_UNCOMPILED.



Definition at line 586 of file tmpl.h.

Data Fields
union __unnamed__
fr_regex_flags_t reg_flags Flags for regular expressions.

Used by:




Definition at line 587 of file tmpl.h.

Data Fields
_CONST struct xlat



Definition at line 588 of file tmpl.h.

Data Fields
xlat_exp_head_t * ex pre-parsed xlat expansion and expansion.



Definition at line 574 of file tmpl.h.

Data Fields
bool ref_prefix true if the reference was prefixed with a '&'.

◆ tmpl_xlat_rules_s

struct tmpl_xlat_rules_s

Definition at line 338 of file tmpl.h.

+ Collaboration diagram for tmpl_xlat_rules_s:
Data Fields
bool new_functions new function syntax
fr_event_list_t * runtime_el The eventlist to use for runtime instantiation of xlats.

Macro Definition Documentation


#define _CONST   const

Definition at line 258 of file tmpl.h.

◆ ar_cond

#define ar_cond   filter.cond

Definition at line 527 of file tmpl.h.

◆ ar_da

#define ar_da   da

Definition at line 514 of file tmpl.h.

◆ ar_depth

#define ar_depth   depth

Definition at line 513 of file tmpl.h.

◆ ar_expr

#define ar_expr   filter.expr

Definition at line 529 of file tmpl.h.

◆ ar_filter_is_cond

#define ar_filter_is_cond (   _ar)    ((_ar)->ar_filter_type == TMPL_ATTR_FILTER_TYPE_CONDITION)

Definition at line 534 of file tmpl.h.

◆ ar_filter_is_expr

#define ar_filter_is_expr (   _ar)    ((_ar)->ar_filter_type == TMPL_ATTR_FILTER_TYPE_EXPR)

Definition at line 536 of file tmpl.h.

◆ ar_filter_is_none

#define ar_filter_is_none (   _ar)    ((_ar)->ar_filter_type == TMPL_ATTR_FILTER_TYPE_NONE)

Definition at line 532 of file tmpl.h.

◆ ar_filter_is_num

#define ar_filter_is_num (   _ar)    ((_ar)->ar_filter_type == TMPL_ATTR_FILTER_TYPE_INDEX)

Definition at line 533 of file tmpl.h.

◆ ar_filter_is_tmpl

#define ar_filter_is_tmpl (   _ar)    ((_ar)->ar_filter_type == TMPL_ATTR_FILTER_TYPE_TMPL)

Definition at line 535 of file tmpl.h.

◆ ar_filter_type

#define ar_filter_type   filter.type

Definition at line 530 of file tmpl.h.

◆ ar_is_normal

#define ar_is_normal (   _ar)    ((_ar)->ar_type == TMPL_ATTR_TYPE_NORMAL)

Definition at line 520 of file tmpl.h.

◆ ar_is_raw

#define ar_is_raw (   _ar)    ((_ar)->is_raw)

Definition at line 524 of file tmpl.h.

◆ ar_is_unknown

#define ar_is_unknown (   _ar)    ((_ar)->ar_type == TMPL_ATTR_TYPE_UNKNOWN)

Definition at line 522 of file tmpl.h.

◆ ar_is_unresolved

#define ar_is_unresolved (   _ar)    ((_ar)->ar_type == TMPL_ATTR_TYPE_UNRESOLVED)

Definition at line 523 of file tmpl.h.

◆ ar_is_unspecified

#define ar_is_unspecified (   _ar)    ((_ar)->ar_type == TMPL_ATTR_TYPE_UNSPEC)

Definition at line 521 of file tmpl.h.

◆ ar_num

#define ar_num   filter.num

Definition at line 526 of file tmpl.h.

◆ ar_parent

#define ar_parent   parent

Definition at line 515 of file tmpl.h.

◆ ar_tmpl

#define ar_tmpl   filter.tmpl

Definition at line 528 of file tmpl.h.

◆ ar_type

#define ar_type   type

Definition at line 512 of file tmpl.h.

◆ ar_unknown

#define ar_unknown   unknown.da

Definition at line 516 of file tmpl.h.

◆ ar_unresolved

#define ar_unresolved

Definition at line 517 of file tmpl.h.

◆ ar_unresolved_namespace

#define ar_unresolved_namespace   unresolved.namespace

Definition at line 518 of file tmpl.h.


#define FR_TYPE_FROM_PTR (   _ptr)
_Generic((_ptr), \
char **: FR_TYPE_STRING, \
char const **: FR_TYPE_STRING, \
uint8_t const **: FR_TYPE_OCTETS, \
uint64_t *: FR_TYPE_UINT64, \
unsigned short uint16_t
String of printable characters.
16 Bit unsigned integer.
A boxed value.
8 Bit unsigned integer.
32 Bit unsigned integer.
64 Bit unsigned integer.
Raw octets.
unsigned int uint32_t
unsigned char uint8_t

Map ptr type to a boxed type.

Definition at line 1047 of file tmpl.h.


#define NUM_ALL   (INT16_MIN + 1)

Definition at line 406 of file tmpl.h.


#define NUM_COUNT   (INT16_MIN + 2)

Definition at line 407 of file tmpl.h.


#define NUM_LAST   (INT16_MIN + 3)

Definition at line 408 of file tmpl.h.


#define NUM_UNSPEC   INT16_MIN

Definition at line 405 of file tmpl.h.

◆ tmpl_aexpand

#define tmpl_aexpand (   _ctx,
)     _tmpl_to_atype(_ctx, (void *)(_out), _request, _vpt, _escape, _escape_ctx, FR_TYPE_FROM_PTR(_out))

Expand a tmpl to a C type, allocing a new buffer to hold the string.

Expands a template using the _out ptr to determinate the cast type.

See also

Definition at line 1076 of file tmpl.h.

◆ tmpl_aexpand_type

#define tmpl_aexpand_type (   _ctx,
)     _tmpl_to_atype(_ctx, (void *)(_out), _request, _vpt, _escape, _escape_ctx, _type)

Expand a tmpl to a C type, allocing a new buffer to hold the string.

Takes an explicit type which must match the ctype pointed to by out.

See also

Definition at line 1085 of file tmpl.h.

◆ tmpl_assert_type

#define tmpl_assert_type (   _cond)
fr_assert_msg(_cond, "Unexpected tmpl type '%s'", \
#define fr_assert_msg(_x, _msg,...)
Calls panic_action ifndef NDEBUG, else logs error and causes the server to exit immediately with code...
Definition debug.h:210
static char const * tmpl_type_to_str(tmpl_type_t type)
Return a static string containing the type name.
Definition tmpl.h:651
static fr_slen_t vpt
Definition tmpl.h:1278

Convenience macro for printing a meaningful assert message when we get a bad tmpl type.

Definition at line 637 of file tmpl.h.

◆ tmpl_attr

#define tmpl_attr (   _tmpl)    &(_tmpl)->

Definition at line 671 of file tmpl.h.


#define TMPL_ATTR_VERIFY (   _vpt)

Definition at line 974 of file tmpl.h.

◆ tmpl_contains_attr

#define tmpl_contains_attr (   vpt)    ((vpt)->type & TMPL_FLAG_ATTR)

Definition at line 230 of file tmpl.h.

◆ tmpl_contains_data

#define tmpl_contains_data (   vpt)    ((vpt)->type & TMPL_TYPE_DATA)

Definition at line 229 of file tmpl.h.

◆ tmpl_contains_regex

#define tmpl_contains_regex (   vpt)    ((vpt)->type & TMPL_FLAG_REGEX)

Definition at line 231 of file tmpl.h.

◆ tmpl_contains_xlat

#define tmpl_contains_xlat (   vpt)    ((vpt)->type & TMPL_FLAG_XLAT)

Definition at line 232 of file tmpl.h.

◆ tmpl_expand

#define tmpl_expand (   _out,
_tmpl_to_type((void *)(_out), (uint8_t *)_buff, _buff_len, \
_request, _vpt, _escape, _escape_ctx, FR_TYPE_FROM_PTR(_out))
#define FR_TYPE_FROM_PTR(_ptr)
Map ptr type to a boxed type.
Definition tmpl.h:1047
ssize_t _tmpl_to_type(void *out, uint8_t *buff, size_t outlen, request_t *request, tmpl_t const *vpt, xlat_escape_legacy_t escape, void const *escape_ctx, fr_type_t dst_type))
Expand a tmpl_t to a string writing the result to a buffer.
Definition tmpl_eval.c:284

Expand a tmpl to a C type, using existing storage to hold variably sized types.

Expands a template using the _out ptr to determinate the cast type.

See also

Definition at line 1066 of file tmpl.h.


#define TMPL_FLAG_ATTR   0x01000000

Base data type is an attribute reference.

Definition at line 106 of file tmpl.h.


#define TMPL_FLAG_REGEX   0x04000000

Is a type of regular expression.

Definition at line 116 of file tmpl.h.


#define TMPL_FLAG_UNRESOLVED   0x08000000

Needs resolution.

Definition at line 121 of file tmpl.h.


#define TMPL_FLAG_XLAT   0x02000000

Base data type is an xlat expansion.

Definition at line 111 of file tmpl.h.

◆ tmpl_is_attr

#define tmpl_is_attr (   vpt)    ((vpt)->type == TMPL_TYPE_ATTR)

Definition at line 213 of file tmpl.h.

◆ tmpl_is_attr_unresolved

#define tmpl_is_attr_unresolved (   vpt)    ((vpt)->type == TMPL_TYPE_ATTR_UNRESOLVED)

Definition at line 224 of file tmpl.h.

◆ tmpl_is_data

#define tmpl_is_data (   vpt)    ((vpt)->type == TMPL_TYPE_DATA)

Definition at line 211 of file tmpl.h.

◆ tmpl_is_data_unresolved

#define tmpl_is_data_unresolved (   vpt)    ((vpt)->type == TMPL_TYPE_DATA_UNRESOLVED)

Definition at line 222 of file tmpl.h.

◆ tmpl_is_exec

#define tmpl_is_exec (   vpt)    ((vpt)->type == TMPL_TYPE_EXEC)

Definition at line 216 of file tmpl.h.

◆ tmpl_is_exec_unresolved

#define tmpl_is_exec_unresolved (   vpt)    ((vpt)->type == TMPL_TYPE_EXEC_UNRESOLVED)

Definition at line 223 of file tmpl.h.

◆ tmpl_is_null

#define tmpl_is_null (   vpt)    ((vpt)->type == TMPL_TYPE_NULL)

Definition at line 210 of file tmpl.h.

◆ tmpl_is_regex

#define tmpl_is_regex (   vpt)    ((vpt)->type == TMPL_TYPE_REGEX)

Definition at line 218 of file tmpl.h.

◆ tmpl_is_regex_uncompiled

#define tmpl_is_regex_uncompiled (   vpt)    ((vpt)->type == TMPL_TYPE_REGEX_UNCOMPILED)

Definition at line 219 of file tmpl.h.

◆ tmpl_is_regex_xlat

#define tmpl_is_regex_xlat (   vpt)    ((vpt)->type == TMPL_TYPE_REGEX_XLAT)

Definition at line 220 of file tmpl.h.

◆ tmpl_is_regex_xlat_unresolved

#define tmpl_is_regex_xlat_unresolved (   vpt)    ((vpt)->type == TMPL_TYPE_REGEX_XLAT_UNRESOLVED)

Definition at line 226 of file tmpl.h.

◆ tmpl_is_uninitialised

#define tmpl_is_uninitialised (   vpt)    ((vpt)->type == TMPL_TYPE_UNINITIALISED)

Helpers to verify the type of tmpl_t.

Definition at line 208 of file tmpl.h.

◆ tmpl_is_xlat

#define tmpl_is_xlat (   vpt)    ((vpt)->type == TMPL_TYPE_XLAT)

Definition at line 215 of file tmpl.h.

◆ tmpl_is_xlat_unresolved

#define tmpl_is_xlat_unresolved (   vpt)    ((vpt)->type == TMPL_TYPE_XLAT_UNRESOLVED)

Definition at line 225 of file tmpl.h.



The maximum number of request references allowed.

Definition at line 85 of file tmpl.h.

◆ tmpl_needs_resolving

#define tmpl_needs_resolving (   vpt)    ((vpt)->type & TMPL_FLAG_UNRESOLVED)

Definition at line 228 of file tmpl.h.

◆ tmpl_pair_list_and_ctx

#define tmpl_pair_list_and_ctx (   _ctx,
do {\
request_t *_rctx = _request; \
if ((tmpl_request_ptr(&_rctx, _ref) < 0) || \
!(_head = tmpl_list_head(_rctx, _list)) || \
!(_ctx = tmpl_list_ctx(_rctx, _list))) {\
_ctx = NULL; \
_head = NULL; \
} while (0)
fr_pair_list_t * tmpl_list_head(request_t *request, fr_dict_attr_t const *list)
Resolve attribute fr_pair_list_t value to an attribute list.
Definition tmpl_eval.c:76
TALLOC_CTX * tmpl_list_ctx(request_t *request, fr_dict_attr_t const *list)
Return the correct TALLOC_CTX to alloc fr_pair_t in, for a list.
Definition tmpl_eval.c:116
int tmpl_request_ptr(request_t **request, FR_DLIST_HEAD(tmpl_request_list) const *rql)
Resolve a tmpl_request_ref_t to a request_t.
Definition tmpl_eval.c:169

Determine the correct context and list head.

Used in conjunction with the fr_dcursor functions to determine the correct list and TALLOC_CTX for inserting fr_pair_ts.


tmpl_pair_list_and_ctx(ctx, head, request, CURRENT_REQUEST, request_attr_request);
if (!list) return -1; // error
value.strvalue = talloc_typed_strdup(NULL, "my new username");
value.length = talloc_array_length(value.strvalue) - 1;
Test enumeration values.
Definition dict_test.h:92
fr_dict_attr_t const * request_attr_request
Definition request.c:45
#define tmpl_pair_list_and_ctx(_ctx, _head, _request, _ref, _list)
Determine the correct context and list head.
Definition tmpl.h:1007
char * talloc_typed_strdup(TALLOC_CTX *ctx, char const *p)
Call talloc_strdup, setting the type on the new chunk correctly.
Definition talloc.c:445
static fr_slen_t head
Definition xlat.h:419
_ctxnew fr_pair_t s should be allocated in for the specified list.
_headof the fr_pair_t list.
_requestThe current request.
_refto resolve.
_listto resolve.

Definition at line 1007 of file tmpl.h.



Define manipulation functions for the attribute reference list.

How many additional headers to allocate in a pool for a tmpl_t

Definition at line 501 of file tmpl.h.


#define TMPL_POOL_DEF_LEN   (sizeof(tmpl_t) + 64 + sizeof(tmpl_attr_t) + sizeof(tmpl_request_t))

How many additional bytes to allocate in a pool for a tmpl_t.

Definition at line 506 of file tmpl.h.

◆ tmpl_request_ref_is_current

#define tmpl_request_ref_is_current (   _list)    (tmpl_request_ref_list_cmp(_list, &tmpl_request_def_current) == 0)

Returns true if the specified qualifier list points to the current request.

[in]_listto check.
  • true if the list only contains a current request qualifier.
  • false otherwise.

Definition at line 1146 of file tmpl.h.

◆ tmpl_request_ref_is_outer

#define tmpl_request_ref_is_outer (   _list)    (tmpl_request_ref_list_cmp(_list, &tmpl_request_def_outer) == 0)

Returns true if the specified qualifier list points to the outer request.

[in]_listto check.
  • true if the list only contains a outer request qualifier.
  • false otherwise.

Definition at line 1164 of file tmpl.h.

◆ tmpl_request_ref_is_parent

#define tmpl_request_ref_is_parent (   _list)    (tmpl_request_ref_list_cmp(_list, &tmpl_request_def_parent) == 0)

Returns true if the specified qualifier list points to the parent request.

[in]_listto check.
  • true if the list only contains a parent request qualifier.
  • false otherwise.

Definition at line 1155 of file tmpl.h.

◆ tmpl_rules_cast

#define tmpl_rules_cast (   _tmpl)    (_tmpl)->rules.cast

Definition at line 959 of file tmpl.h.

◆ tmpl_rules_enumv

#define tmpl_rules_enumv (   _tmpl)    (_tmpl)->rules.enumv

Definition at line 960 of file tmpl.h.

◆ tmpl_value

#define tmpl_value (   _tmpl)    (&(_tmpl)->data.literal)

Definition at line 954 of file tmpl.h.

◆ tmpl_value_enumv

#define tmpl_value_enumv (   _tmpl)    (_tmpl)->data.literal.enumv

Definition at line 957 of file tmpl.h.

◆ tmpl_value_length

#define tmpl_value_length (   _tmpl)    (_tmpl)->data.literal.vb_length

Definition at line 955 of file tmpl.h.

◆ tmpl_value_type

#define tmpl_value_type (   _tmpl)    (_tmpl)->data.literal.type

Definition at line 956 of file tmpl.h.


#define TMPL_VERIFY (   _vpt)

Definition at line 975 of file tmpl.h.

◆ tmpl_xlat

#define tmpl_xlat (   _tmpl)    (_tmpl)->data.xlat.ex

Definition at line 947 of file tmpl.h.

Typedef Documentation

◆ tmpl_attr_rules_t

Definition at line 239 of file tmpl.h.

◆ tmpl_literal_rules_t

typedef struct tmpl_literal_rules_s tmpl_literal_rules_t

Definition at line 241 of file tmpl.h.

◆ tmpl_request_ref_t

◆ tmpl_res_rules_t

Definition at line 242 of file tmpl.h.

◆ tmpl_rules_t

typedef struct tmpl_rules_s tmpl_rules_t

Definition at line 238 of file tmpl.h.

◆ tmpl_t

typedef struct tmpl_s tmpl_t

Definition at line 243 of file tmpl.h.

◆ tmpl_type_t

typedef enum tmpl_type_e tmpl_type_t

Types of tmpl_t.

Types may be compound types made up of multiple other types.

Types which are used as part of compound types are:

  • XLAT_TYPE_XLAT - tmpl_t contains xlat expansion.
  • XLAT_TYPE_UNRESOLVED - tmpl_t contains unresolved elements such as xlat functions or other expansions.

◆ tmpl_xlat_rules_t

Definition at line 240 of file tmpl.h.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ requests_ref_e


The current request (default).


request_t containing the outer layer of the EAP conversation.

Usually the RADIUS request sent by the NAS.


Parent (whatever it is).


Unknown request.

Definition at line 90 of file tmpl.h.

◆ tmpl_attr_error_t


No error.


Attribute ref contains no data.


Missing '&' or has '&' when it shouldn't.


List qualifier is not allowed here.


List qualifier is required, but missing.


Attribute specified as OID, could not be found in the dictionaries, and is disallowed because 'disallow_internal' in tmpl_rules_t is trie.


Attribute couldn't be found in the dictionaries.


Attribute must be qualified to be used here.


Attribute ref length is zero, or longer than the maximum.


Attribute resolved to an internal attribute which is disallowed.


Attribute resolved in a dictionary different to the one specified.


Filters disallowed by rules.


Invalid array index.


Invalid filter.


Too many levels of nesting.


Unexpected text found after attribute reference.


Specified cast was invalid.

Definition at line 1018 of file tmpl.h.

◆ tmpl_attr_filter_type_t

Define entry and head types for attribute reference lists.

Different types of filter that can be applied to an attribute reference


No filter present.


Filter is an index type.


Filter is a condition.


Filter is a tmpl.


Filter is an expression.

Definition at line 418 of file tmpl.h.

◆ tmpl_attr_list_presence_t

Specify whether attribute references can have a list (or parent) reference.


Attribute refs are allowed to have a list.


Attribute refs are forbidden from having a list.


Attribute refs are required to have a list.

Definition at line 275 of file tmpl.h.

◆ tmpl_attr_prefix_t

Specify whether attribute references require a prefix.


Attribute refs must have '&' prefix.


Attribute refs have no '&' prefix.


Attribute refs may have a '&' prefix.

Definition at line 266 of file tmpl.h.

◆ tmpl_attr_type_t


Normal, resolved, attribute ref.


No attribute was specified as this level only a filter.


We have an attribute number but it doesn't match anything in the dictionary, or isn't a child of the previous ref.

May be resolved later.


We have a name, but nothing else to identify the attribute.

may be resolved later.

Definition at line 391 of file tmpl.h.

◆ tmpl_type_e

Types of tmpl_t.

Types may be compound types made up of multiple other types.

Types which are used as part of compound types are:

  • XLAT_TYPE_XLAT - tmpl_t contains xlat expansion.
  • XLAT_TYPE_UNRESOLVED - tmpl_t contains unresolved elements such as xlat functions or other expansions.



Has no value.

Usually a placeholder in a binary expression that's really a unary expression


Value in native boxed format.


Reference to one or more attributes.


Pre-parsed xlat expansion.


Callout to an external script or program.


Compiled (and possibly JIT'd) regular expression.


Regex where compilation is possible but hasn't been performed yet.


A regex containing xlat expansions.

Cannot be pre-compiled


Unparsed literal string.

   May be an intermediary phase where the tmpl is created as a
   temporary structure during parsing.  The value here MUST be raw
   data, and cannot be anything else.

An attribute reference that we couldn't resolve but looked valid.

   May be resolvable later once more attributes are defined.

An exec with unresolved xlat function or attribute references.


A xlat expansion with unresolved xlat functions or attribute references.


A regular expression with unresolved xlat functions or attribute references.


Marker for the last tmpl type.

Definition at line 131 of file tmpl.h.

Function Documentation

◆ _tmpl_to_atype()

ssize_t _tmpl_to_atype ( TALLOC_CTX *  ctx,
void *  out,
request_t request,
tmpl_t const *  vpt,
xlat_escape_legacy_t  escape,
void const *  escape_ctx,
fr_type_t  dst_type 

Expand a template to a string, allocing a new buffer to hold the string.

The intended use of tmpl_expand and tmpl_aexpand is for modules to easily convert a tmpl_t provided by the conf parser, into a usable value. The value returned should be raw and undoctored for FR_TYPE_STRING and FR_TYPE_OCTETS types, and the printable (string) version of the data for all others.

This function will always duplicate values, whereas tmpl_expand may return a pointer to an existing buffer.

This function is used where raw string values are needed, which may mean the string returned may be binary data or contain unprintable chars. fr_snprint or fr_asprint should be used before using these values in debug statements. is_printable can be used to check if the string only contains printable chars.
The type (char or uint8_t) can be obtained with talloc_get_type, and may be used as a hint as to how to process or print the data.
ctxto allocate new buffer in.
outWhere to write pointer to the new buffer.
requestCurrent request.
vptto expand. Must be one of the following types:
escapexlat escape function (only used for TMPL_TYPE_XLAT_UNRESOLVED_* types).
escape_ctxxlat escape function data (only used for TMPL_TYPE_XLAT_UNRESOLVED_* types).
dst_typeFR_TYPE_* matching out pointer.
See also
  • -1 on failure.
  • The length of data written to buff, or pointed to by out.

Definition at line 563 of file tmpl_eval.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ _tmpl_to_type()

ssize_t _tmpl_to_type ( void *  out,
uint8_t buff,
size_t  bufflen,
request_t request,
tmpl_t const *  vpt,
xlat_escape_legacy_t  escape,
void const *  escape_ctx,
fr_type_t  dst_type 

Expand a tmpl_t to a string writing the result to a buffer.

The intended use of tmpl_expand and tmpl_aexpand is for modules to easily convert a tmpl_t provided by the conf parser, into a usable value. The value returned should be raw and undoctored for FR_TYPE_STRING and FR_TYPE_OCTETS types, and the printable (string) version of the data for all others.

Depending what arguments are passed, either copies the value to buff, or writes a pointer to a string buffer to out. This allows the most efficient access to the value resolved by the tmpl_t, avoiding unnecessary string copies.

This function is used where raw string values are needed, which may mean the string returned may be binary data or contain unprintable chars. fr_snprint or fr_asprint should be used before using these values in debug statements. is_printable can be used to check if the string only contains printable chars.
[out]outWhere to write a pointer to the string buffer. On return may point to buff if buff was used to store the value. Otherwise will point to a fr_value_box_t buffer, or the name of the template. Must not be NULL.
[out]buffExpansion buffer, may be NULL except for the following types:
[in]bufflenLength of expansion buffer. Must be >= 2.
[in]requestCurrent request.
[in]vptto expand. Must be one of the following types:
[in]escapexlat escape function (only used for xlat types).
[in]escape_ctxxlat escape function data.
dst_typeFR_TYPE_* matching out pointer.
See also
  • -1 on failure.
  • The length of data written out.

Definition at line 284 of file tmpl_eval.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:


FR_DLIST_HEAD ( tmpl_request_list  )

Static default request ref list for the current request.

Static default request ref list for the parent request.

Static default request ref list for the outer request.

Passed as request_def in tmpl_attr_rules_t.

Definition at line 673 of file tmpl.h.

◆ pair_append_by_tmpl_parent()

int pair_append_by_tmpl_parent ( TALLOC_CTX *  ctx,
fr_pair_t **  out,
fr_pair_list_t list,
tmpl_t const *  vpt,
bool  skip_list 

Allocate and insert a leaf vp from a tmpl_t, building the parent vps if needed.

This is the simple case - just add a vp at the first place where the parents exist, or create the parents, with no attempt to handle filters.

It is functionally equivalent to fr_pair_append_by_da_parent() but uses a tmpl_t to build the nested structure rather than a fr_dict_attr_t.

[in]ctxto allocate new pair(s) in
[out]outLeaf pair we allocated.
[in]listto insert into.
[in]vpttmpl representing the attribute to add.
[in]skip_listskip list attr ref at the head of the tmpl.
  • 0 on success.
  • -1 on failure.

Definition at line 974 of file tmpl_eval.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ tmpl_afrom_attr_str()

ssize_t tmpl_afrom_attr_str ( TALLOC_CTX *  ctx,
tmpl_attr_error_t err,
tmpl_t **  out,
char const *  name,
tmpl_rules_t const *  t_rules 

Parse a string into a TMPL_TYPE_ATTR_* type tmpl_t.

[in,out]ctxto allocate tmpl_t in.
[out]errMay be NULL. Provides the exact error that the parser hit when processing the attribute ref.
[out]outWhere to write pointer to new tmpl_t.
[in]nameof attribute including tmpl_request_ref_t and fr_pair_list_t qualifiers.
[in]t_rulesRules which control parsing. See tmpl_afrom_attr_substr() for details.
Unlike tmpl_afrom_attr_substr this function will error out if the entire name string isn't parsed.

Definition at line 2515 of file tmpl_tokenize.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ tmpl_afrom_attr_substr()

ssize_t tmpl_afrom_attr_substr ( TALLOC_CTX *  ctx,
tmpl_attr_error_t err,
tmpl_t **  out,
fr_sbuff_t name,
fr_sbuff_parse_rules_t const *  p_rules,
tmpl_rules_t const *  t_rules 

Parse a string into a TMPL_TYPE_ATTR_* type tmpl_t.

[in,out]ctxto allocate tmpl_t in.
[out]errMay be NULL. Provides the exact error that the parser hit when processing the attribute ref.
[out]outWhere to write pointer to new tmpl_t.
[in]nameof attribute including tmpl_request_ref_t and fr_pair_list_t qualifiers.
[in]p_rulesFormatting rules used to check for trailing garbage.
[in]t_rulesRules which control parsing:
  • dict_def The default dictionary to use if attributes are unqualified.
  • request_def The default request_t to set if no tmpl_request_ref_t qualifiers are found in name.
  • list_def The default list to set if no fr_pair_list_t qualifiers are found in the name.
  • allow_unknown If true attributes in the format accepted by fr_dict_attr_unknown_afrom_oid_substr will be allowed, even if they're not in the main dictionaries. If an unknown attribute is found a TMPL_TYPE_ATTR tmpl_t will be produced. If tmpl_afrom_attr_substr is being called on startup, the tmpl_t may be passed to tmpl_attr_unknown_add to add the unknown attribute to the main dictionary. If the unknown attribute is not added to the main dictionary the tmpl_t cannot be used to search for a fr_pair_t in a request_t.
  • allow_unresolved If true, we don't generate a parse error on unknown attributes. If an unknown attribute is found a TMPL_TYPE_ATTR_UNRESOLVED tmpl_t will be produced.
  • allow_foreign If true, allow attribute names to be qualified with a protocol outside of the passed dict_def.
  • disallow_filters
See also
REMARKER to produce pretty error markers from the return value.
  • <= 0 on error (offset as negative integer)
  • > 0 on success (number of bytes parsed).

Definition at line 2235 of file tmpl_tokenize.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ tmpl_afrom_substr()

ssize_t tmpl_afrom_substr ( TALLOC_CTX *  ctx,
tmpl_t **  out,
fr_sbuff_t in,
fr_token_t  quote,
fr_sbuff_parse_rules_t const *  p_rules,
tmpl_rules_t const *  t_rules 

Convert an arbitrary string into a tmpl_t.

Unlike tmpl_afrom_attr_str return code 0 doesn't necessarily indicate failure, may just mean a 0 length string was parsed. Check to see if the function emitted a tmpl_t in *out.
xlats and regexes are left uncompiled. This is to support the two pass parsing done by the modcall code. Compilation on pass1 of that code could fail, as attributes or xlat functions registered by modules may not be available (yet).
For details of attribute parsing see tmpl_afrom_attr_substr.
[in,out]ctxTo allocate tmpl_t in.
[out]outWhere to write the pointer to the new tmpl_t.
[in]inString to parse.
[in]quoteQuoting around the tmpl. Determines what we attempt to parse the string as.
[in]p_rulesFormatting rules for the tmpl.
[in]t_rulesValidation rules for attribute references.
  • < 0 on error (offset as negative integer)
  • >= 0 on success (number of bytes parsed).
See also
REMARKER to produce pretty error markers from the return value.

Definition at line 3229 of file tmpl_tokenize.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ tmpl_afrom_value_box()

int tmpl_afrom_value_box ( TALLOC_CTX *  ctx,
tmpl_t **  out,
fr_value_box_t data,
bool  steal 

Create a tmpl_t from a fr_value_box_t.

[in,out]ctxto allocate tmpl_t in.
[out]outWhere to write pointer to new tmpl_t.
[in]datato convert.
[in]stealIf true, any buffers are moved to the new ctx instead of being duplicated.
  • 0 on success.
  • -1 on failure.

Definition at line 1019 of file tmpl_tokenize.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ tmpl_alloc()

tmpl_t * tmpl_alloc ( TALLOC_CTX *  ctx,
tmpl_type_t  type,
fr_token_t  quote,
char const *  name,
ssize_t  len 

Create a new heap allocated tmpl_t.

[in,out]ctxto allocate in.
[in]typeto set in the tmpl_t.
[in]nameof the tmpl_t (will be copied to a new talloc buffer parented by the tmpl_t).
[in]lenThe length of the buffer (or a substring of the buffer) pointed to by name. If < 0 strlen will be used to determine the length.
[in]quoteThe type of quoting around the template name.
the newly allocated tmpl_t.

Definition at line 962 of file tmpl_tokenize.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ tmpl_aprint()

static fr_slen_t tmpl_aprint ( TALLOC_CTX *  ctx,
char **  out,
tmpl_t const *  vpt,
tmpl_attr_prefix_t  ar_prefix,
fr_sbuff_escape_rules_t const *  e_rules 

◆ tmpl_aprint_quoted()

static fr_slen_t tmpl_aprint_quoted ( TALLOC_CTX *  ctx,
char **  out,
tmpl_t const *  vpt,
tmpl_attr_prefix_t  ar_prefix 

◆ tmpl_async_required()

bool tmpl_async_required ( tmpl_t const *  vpt)

Return whether or not async is required for this tmpl.

If the tmpl is needs_async, then it is async
If the tmpl is not needs_async, then it will not yield

If the tmpl yields, then async is required.

Definition at line 5875 of file tmpl_tokenize.c.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ tmpl_attr_afrom_list()

int tmpl_attr_afrom_list ( TALLOC_CTX *  ctx,
tmpl_t **  out,
tmpl_t const *  list,
fr_dict_attr_t const *  da 

Create a new tmpl from a list tmpl and a da.

Definition at line 1257 of file tmpl_tokenize.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ tmpl_attr_aprint()

static fr_slen_t tmpl_attr_aprint ( TALLOC_CTX *  ctx,
char **  out,
tmpl_t const *  vpt,
tmpl_attr_prefix_t  ar_prefix 

◆ tmpl_attr_copy()

int tmpl_attr_copy ( tmpl_t dst,
tmpl_t const *  src 

Copy a list of attribute and request references from one tmpl to another.

Definition at line 1049 of file tmpl_tokenize.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ tmpl_attr_debug()

void tmpl_attr_debug ( tmpl_t const *  vpt)

Definition at line 289 of file tmpl_tokenize.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ tmpl_attr_head_is_list()

static bool tmpl_attr_head_is_list ( tmpl_t const *  vpt)

Return true if the head attribute reference is a list reference.

Definition at line 711 of file tmpl.h.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ tmpl_attr_is_list_attr()

static bool tmpl_attr_is_list_attr ( tmpl_attr_t const *  ar)

Return true if the tmpl_attr is one of the list types.

Definition at line 696 of file tmpl.h.

◆ tmpl_attr_list_from_substr()

fr_slen_t tmpl_attr_list_from_substr ( fr_dict_attr_t const **  da_p,
fr_sbuff_t in 

Parse one a single list reference.

[out]da_pattribute representing a list.
[in]inSbuff to read request references from.
  • > 0 the number of bytes parsed.
  • 0 no list qualifier found.

Definition at line 417 of file tmpl_tokenize.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ tmpl_attr_num_elements()

static size_t tmpl_attr_num_elements ( tmpl_t const *  vpt)

The number of attribute references contained within a tmpl.

Definition at line 913 of file tmpl.h.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ tmpl_attr_print()

static fr_slen_t rql fr_slen_t tmpl_attr_print ( fr_sbuff_t out,
tmpl_t const *  vpt,
tmpl_attr_prefix_t  ar_prefix 

Print an attribute or list tmpl_t to a string.

This function is the direct counterpart to tmpl_afrom_attr_substr.

[in]outWhere to write the presentation format tmpl_t string.
[in]vptto print.
[in]ar_prefixWhether to print the '&' at the beginning of attribute references.
  • TMPL_ATTR_REF_PREFIX_YES - always print.
  • TMPL_ATTR_REF_PREFIX_NO - never print.
  • TMPL_ATTR_REF_PREFIX_AUTO - print if the original tmpl was prefixed.
  • >0 the number of bytes written to the out buffer.
  • 0 invalid argument.
  • <0 the number of bytes we would have needed to complete the print.

Definition at line 4733 of file tmpl_tokenize.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ tmpl_attr_ref_debug()

void tmpl_attr_ref_debug ( const tmpl_attr_t ar,
int  idx 

Definition at line 214 of file tmpl_tokenize.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ tmpl_attr_ref_list_debug()

void tmpl_attr_ref_list_debug ( FR_DLIST_HEAD(tmpl_attr_list) const *  ar_head)

Definition at line 274 of file tmpl_tokenize.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ tmpl_attr_rewrite_leaf_num()

void tmpl_attr_rewrite_leaf_num ( tmpl_t vpt,
int16_t  to 

Rewrite the leaf's instance number.

This function is only called from the compiler, for "update" and "foreach" keywords. In those cases, the user historically did "foo-bar", but really meant "foo-bar[*]". We silently update that for "update" sections, and complain about it in "foreach" sections.

As the server now supports multiple types of leaf references, we do the rewrite only from "none" (no filter), OR where it's a numerical index, AND the index hasn't been specified.

Definition at line 1205 of file tmpl_tokenize.c.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ tmpl_attr_set_da()

int tmpl_attr_set_da ( tmpl_t vpt,
fr_dict_attr_t const *  da 

Replace the current attribute reference.

Definition at line 1105 of file tmpl_tokenize.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ tmpl_attr_set_leaf_da()

int tmpl_attr_set_leaf_da ( tmpl_t vpt,
fr_dict_attr_t const *  da 

Replace the leaf attribute only.

Definition at line 1138 of file tmpl_tokenize.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ tmpl_attr_set_list()

void tmpl_attr_set_list ( tmpl_t vpt,
fr_dict_attr_t const *  list 

Definition at line 1246 of file tmpl_tokenize.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ tmpl_attr_set_request_ref()

void tmpl_attr_set_request_ref ( tmpl_t vpt,
FR_DLIST_HEAD(tmpl_request_list) const *  request_def 

Set the request for an attribute ref.

Definition at line 1232 of file tmpl_tokenize.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ tmpl_attr_tail()

static tmpl_attr_t const * tmpl_attr_tail ( tmpl_t const *  vpt)

Return the last attribute reference.

Definition at line 807 of file tmpl.h.

◆ tmpl_attr_tail_da()

static fr_dict_attr_t const * tmpl_attr_tail_da ( tmpl_t const *  vpt)

Return the last attribute reference da.

Definition at line 818 of file tmpl.h.

◆ tmpl_attr_tail_da_is_leaf()

static bool tmpl_attr_tail_da_is_leaf ( tmpl_t const *  vpt)

Return true if the the last attribute reference is a leaf attribute.

Definition at line 834 of file tmpl.h.

◆ tmpl_attr_tail_da_is_structural()

static bool tmpl_attr_tail_da_is_structural ( tmpl_t const *  vpt)

Return true if the the last attribute reference is a structural attribute.

Definition at line 852 of file tmpl.h.

◆ tmpl_attr_tail_is_normal()

static bool tmpl_attr_tail_is_normal ( tmpl_t const *  vpt)

Return true if the last attribute reference is "normal".

Definition at line 727 of file tmpl.h.

◆ tmpl_attr_tail_is_raw()

static bool tmpl_attr_tail_is_raw ( tmpl_t const *  vpt)

Return true if the last attribute reference is "raw".

Definition at line 791 of file tmpl.h.

◆ tmpl_attr_tail_is_unknown()

static bool tmpl_attr_tail_is_unknown ( tmpl_t const *  vpt)

Return true if the last attribute reference is "unknown".

Definition at line 759 of file tmpl.h.

◆ tmpl_attr_tail_is_unresolved()

static bool tmpl_attr_tail_is_unresolved ( tmpl_t const *  vpt)

Return true if the last attribute reference is "unresolved".

Definition at line 775 of file tmpl.h.

◆ tmpl_attr_tail_is_unspecified()

static bool tmpl_attr_tail_is_unspecified ( tmpl_t const *  vpt)

Return true if the last attribute reference is "unspecified".

Definition at line 743 of file tmpl.h.

◆ tmpl_attr_tail_num()

static int16_t tmpl_attr_tail_num ( tmpl_t const *  vpt)

Return the last attribute reference's attribute number.

Definition at line 902 of file tmpl.h.

◆ tmpl_attr_tail_unknown()

static fr_dict_attr_t const * tmpl_attr_tail_unknown ( tmpl_t const *  vpt)

Return the last attribute reference unknown da.

Definition at line 870 of file tmpl.h.

◆ tmpl_attr_tail_unresolved()

static char const * tmpl_attr_tail_unresolved ( tmpl_t const *  vpt)

Return the last attribute reference unresolved da.

Definition at line 886 of file tmpl.h.

◆ tmpl_attr_tail_unresolved_add()

int tmpl_attr_tail_unresolved_add ( fr_dict_t dict_def,
tmpl_t vpt,
fr_type_t  type,
fr_dict_attr_flags_t const *  flags 

Add an unresolved fr_dict_attr_t specified by a tmpl_t to the main dictionary.

fr_dict_attr_add will not return an error if the attribute already exists meaning that multiple tmpl_t specifying the same attribute can be passed to this function to be fixed up, so long as the type and flags are identical.
[in]dict_defDefault dictionary to use if none is specified by the tmpl_attr_tail_unresolved.
[in]vptspecifying unresolved attribute to add. tmpl_attr_tail_da pointer will be updated to point to the fr_dict_attr_t inserted into the dictionary. Lists and requests will be preserved.
[in]typeto define unresolved attribute as.
[in]flagsto define unresolved attribute with.
  • 1 noop (did nothing) - Not possible to convert tmpl.
  • 0 on success.
  • -1 on failure.

Definition at line 4627 of file tmpl_tokenize.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ tmpl_attr_to_raw()

void tmpl_attr_to_raw ( tmpl_t vpt)

Convert the leaf attribute of a tmpl to a unknown/raw type.

Definition at line 4511 of file tmpl_tokenize.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ tmpl_attr_to_xlat()

int tmpl_attr_to_xlat ( TALLOC_CTX *  ctx,
tmpl_t **  vpt_p 

Convert an attribute reference to an xlat expansion.

This is where a user attempts to use an attribute reference which is actually a virtual attribute.

[in]ctxto convert new tmpl in.
[in,out]vpt_ppointer to tmpl_t of TMPL_TYPE_ATTR | TMPL_TYPE_ATTR_UNPARSED.

Definition at line 4451 of file tmpl_tokenize.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ tmpl_attr_unknown_add()

int tmpl_attr_unknown_add ( tmpl_t vpt)

Add an unknown fr_dict_attr_t specified by a tmpl_t to the main dictionary.

vptto add. tmpl_attr_tail_da pointer will be updated to point to the fr_dict_attr_t inserted into the dictionary.
  • 1 noop (did nothing) - Not possible to convert tmpl.
  • 0 on success.
  • -1 on failure.

Definition at line 4525 of file tmpl_tokenize.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ tmpl_cast_from_substr()

ssize_t tmpl_cast_from_substr ( tmpl_rules_t rules,
fr_sbuff_t in 

Parse a cast specifier.

Note that casts are


and NOT

( foo )

Not for any particular reason, but to emphasize a bit that they're not mathematical expressions.

[out]rulesto set the cast type in.
[in]inString containing the cast marker.
  • 0 no cast specifier found.
  • >0 the number of bytes parsed.
  • <0 offset of parse error.

Definition at line 3712 of file tmpl_tokenize.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ tmpl_cast_get()

static fr_type_t tmpl_cast_get ( tmpl_t vpt)

Definition at line 1232 of file tmpl.h.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ tmpl_cast_in_place()

int tmpl_cast_in_place ( tmpl_t vpt,
fr_type_t  type,
fr_dict_attr_t const *  enumv 

Convert tmpl_t of type TMPL_TYPE_DATA_UNRESOLVED or TMPL_TYPE_DATA to TMPL_TYPE_DATA of type specified.

Conversion is done in place.
Irrespective of whether the tmpl_t was TMPL_TYPE_DATA_UNRESOLVED or TMPL_TYPE_DATA, on successful cast it will be TMPL_TYPE_DATA.
[in,out]vptThe template to modify. Must be of type TMPL_TYPE_DATA_UNRESOLVED or TMPL_TYPE_DATA.
[in]typeto cast to.
[in]enumvEnumerated dictionary values associated with a fr_dict_attr_t.
  • 0 on success.
  • -1 on failure.

Definition at line 3945 of file tmpl_tokenize.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ tmpl_cast_set()

int tmpl_cast_set ( tmpl_t vpt,
fr_type_t  dst_type 

Set a cast for a tmpl.

[in,out]vptto set cast for.
[in]dst_typeto set.
  • 0 on success.
  • -1 on failure.

Definition at line 3758 of file tmpl_tokenize.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ tmpl_copy()

tmpl_t * tmpl_copy ( TALLOC_CTX *  ctx,
tmpl_t const *  in 

Copy a tmpl.

Fully duplicates the contents of a tmpl including any nested attribute references.

[in]ctxto perform allocations under.
[in]intmpl to duplicate.
  • NULL on error.
  • A new tmpl on success.

Definition at line 3620 of file tmpl_tokenize.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ tmpl_copy_pair_children()

int tmpl_copy_pair_children ( TALLOC_CTX *  ctx,
fr_pair_list_t out,
request_t request,
tmpl_t const *  vpt 

Copy children of pairs matching a tmpl_t in the current request_t.

ctxto allocate new fr_pair_t in.
outWhere to write the copied fr_pair_t (s).
requestThe current request_t.
vptspecifying the fr_pair_t type or list to copy. Must be one of the following types:
  • -1 if no matching fr_pair_t could be found.
  • -2 if list could not be found (doesn't exist in current request_t).
  • -3 if context could not be found (no parent request_t available).
  • -4 on memory allocation error.

Definition at line 841 of file tmpl_eval.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ tmpl_copy_pairs()

int tmpl_copy_pairs ( TALLOC_CTX *  ctx,
fr_pair_list_t out,
request_t request,
tmpl_t const *  vpt 

Copy pairs matching a tmpl_t in the current request_t.

ctxto allocate new fr_pair_t in.
outWhere to write the copied fr_pair_t (s).
requestThe current request_t.
vptspecifying the fr_pair_t type or list to copy. Must be one of the following types:
  • -1 if no matching fr_pair_t could be found.
  • -2 if list could not be found (doesn't exist in current request_t).
  • -3 if context could not be found (no parent request_t available).
  • -4 on memory allocation error.

Definition at line 798 of file tmpl_eval.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ tmpl_debug()

void tmpl_debug ( tmpl_t const *  vpt)

Definition at line 328 of file tmpl_tokenize.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ tmpl_eval()

int tmpl_eval ( TALLOC_CTX *  ctx,
fr_value_box_list_t *  out,
request_t request,
tmpl_t const *  vpt 

Gets the value of a tmpl.

The result is returned "raw". The caller must do any escaping it desires.

[in]ctxto allocate boxed value, and buffers in.
[out]outWhere to write the boxed value.
[in]requestThe current request.
[in]vptRepresenting the tmpl
  • <0 we failed getting a value for the tmpl
  • 0 we successfully evaluated the tmpl

Definition at line 1221 of file tmpl_eval.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ tmpl_eval_cast_in_place()

int tmpl_eval_cast_in_place ( fr_value_box_list_t *  list,
request_t request,
tmpl_t const *  vpt 

Casts a value or list of values according to the tmpl.

[in,out]listWhere to write the boxed value.
[in]requestThe current request.
[in]vptRepresenting the attribute.
  • <0 the cast failed
  • 0 we successfully evaluated the tmpl

Definition at line 1349 of file tmpl_eval.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ tmpl_eval_pair()

int tmpl_eval_pair ( TALLOC_CTX *  ctx,
fr_value_box_list_t *  out,
request_t request,
tmpl_t const *  vpt 

Gets the value of a real or virtual attribute.

[in]ctxto allocate boxed value, and buffers in.
[out]outWhere to write the boxed value.
[in]requestThe current request.
[in]vptRepresenting the attribute.
  • <0 we failed getting a value for the attribute.
  • 0 we successfully evaluated the tmpl

Definition at line 1077 of file tmpl_eval.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ tmpl_expanded_type()

fr_type_t tmpl_expanded_type ( tmpl_t const *  vpt)

Return the native data type of the expression.

[in]vptto determine the type of.
  • FR_TYPE_NULL if the type of the tmpl_t can't be determined.
  • The data type we'd expect the tmpl_t to produce at runtime when expanded.

Definition at line 209 of file tmpl_eval.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ tmpl_extents_build_to_leaf_parent()

int tmpl_extents_build_to_leaf_parent ( fr_dlist_head_t existing,
fr_dlist_head_t to_build,
tmpl_t const *  vpt 

Allocate interior pairs.

Builds out the pair tree to the point where leaf attributes can be added

[out]existingList to add built out attributes to.
[in]to_buildList to remove attributes from.
[in]vptWe are evaluating.
  • 0 on success.
  • -1 on failure.

Definition at line 695 of file tmpl_dcursor.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ tmpl_extents_debug()

void tmpl_extents_debug ( fr_dlist_head_t head)

Definition at line 745 of file tmpl_dcursor.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ tmpl_extents_find()

int tmpl_extents_find ( TALLOC_CTX *  ctx,
fr_dlist_head_t existing,
fr_dlist_head_t to_build,
request_t request,
tmpl_t const *  vpt 

Determines points where the reference list extends beyond the current pair tree.

If a particular branch in the VP hierarchy is incomplete, i.e. the chain of attribute refers to nodes deeper than the nodes currently in the tree, then we return the deepest point node in the tree which matched, and the ar that we failed to evaluate.

If the reference list resolves to one or more structural pairs, return those as well.

This function can be used for a number of different operations, but it's most useful for determining insertion points for new attributes, or determining which attributes need to be updated.

[in]ctxto allocate. It's recommended to pass a pool with space for at least five extent structures.
[out]existingList of extents we discovered by evaluating all attribute references. May be NULL.
[out]to_buildList of extents that need building out, i.e. references extend beyond pairs. May be NULL.
[in]requestThe current request_t.
[in]vptspecifying the fr_pair_t type to retrieve or create. Must be TMPL_TYPE_ATTR.
  • 0 on success a pair was found.
  • -2 if list could not be found (doesn't exist in current request_t).
  • -3 if context could not be found (no parent request_t available).

Definition at line 569 of file tmpl_dcursor.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ tmpl_find_or_add_vp()

int tmpl_find_or_add_vp ( fr_pair_t **  out,
request_t request,
tmpl_t const *  vpt 

Returns the first VP matching a tmpl_t, or if no VPs match, creates a new one.

[out]outwhere to write the retrieved or created vp.
[in]requestThe current request_t.
[in]vptspecifying the fr_pair_t type to retrieve or create. Must be TMPL_TYPE_ATTR.
  • 1 on success a pair was created.
  • 0 on success a pair was found.
  • -1 if a new fr_pair_t couldn't be found or created.
  • -2 if list could not be found (doesn't exist in current request_t).
  • -3 if context could not be found (no parent request_t available).

Definition at line 918 of file tmpl_eval.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ tmpl_find_vp()

int tmpl_find_vp ( fr_pair_t **  out,
request_t request,
tmpl_t const *  vpt 

Returns the first VP matching a tmpl_t.

[out]outwhere to write the retrieved vp.
[in]requestThe current request_t.
[in]vptspecifying the fr_pair_t type to find. Must be one of the following types:
  • 0 on success (found matching fr_pair_t).
  • -1 if no matching fr_pair_t could be found.
  • -2 if list could not be found (doesn't exist in current request_t).
  • -3 if context could not be found (no parent request_t available).

Definition at line 889 of file tmpl_eval.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ tmpl_global_init()

int tmpl_global_init ( void  )

Definition at line 1483 of file tmpl_eval.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ tmpl_init()

tmpl_t * tmpl_init ( tmpl_t vpt,
tmpl_type_t  type,
fr_token_t  quote,
char const *  name,
ssize_t  len,
tmpl_rules_t const *  t_rules 

Initialise a tmpl using a literal string to create the name.

[in]vptto initialise.
[in]typeof tmpl to initialise.
[in]quoteOriginal quoting around the name.
[in]nameto set for the tmpl.
[in]lenName length. If < 0 strlen will be used to determine the name.
[in]t_rulesused during parsing.
A pointer to the newly initialised tmpl.

Definition at line 918 of file tmpl_tokenize.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ tmpl_init_printf()

tmpl_t * tmpl_init_printf ( tmpl_t vpt,
tmpl_type_t  type,
fr_token_t  quote,
char const *  fmt,

Initialise a tmpl using a format string to create the name.

[in]vptto initialise.
[in]typeof tmpl to initialise.
[in]quoteOriginal quoting around the name.
[in]...format arguments.
A pointer to the newly initialised tmpl.

Definition at line 866 of file tmpl_tokenize.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ tmpl_init_shallow()

tmpl_t * tmpl_init_shallow ( tmpl_t vpt,
tmpl_type_t  type,
fr_token_t  quote,
char const *  name,
ssize_t  len,
tmpl_rules_t const *  t_rules 

Initialise a tmpl without copying the input name string.

Name is not talloc_strdup'd or memcpy'd so must be available, and must not change for the lifetime of the tmpl_t.
[out]vptto initialise.
[in]typeto set in the tmpl_t.
[in]quoteThe type of quoting around the template name.
[in]nameof the tmpl_t.
[in]lenThe length of the buffer (or a substring of the buffer) pointed to by name. If < 0 strlen will be used to determine the length.
[in]t_rulesused during parsing.
a pointer to the initialised tmpl_t. The same value as vpt.

Definition at line 896 of file tmpl_tokenize.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ tmpl_is_list()

static bool tmpl_is_list ( tmpl_t const *  vpt)

Definition at line 937 of file tmpl.h.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ tmpl_list()

static fr_dict_attr_t const * tmpl_list ( tmpl_t const *  vpt)

Definition at line 921 of file tmpl.h.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ tmpl_list_ctx()

TALLOC_CTX * tmpl_list_ctx ( request_t request,
fr_dict_attr_t const *  list 

Return the correct TALLOC_CTX to alloc fr_pair_t in, for a list.

Allocating new fr_pair_t in the context of a request_t is usually wrong. fr_pair_t should be allocated in the context of a fr_packet_t, so that if the fr_packet_t is freed before the request_t, the associated fr_pair_t lists are freed too.

[in]requestcontaining the target lists.
[in]listfr_pair_list_t value to resolve to TALLOC_CTX.
  • TALLOC_CTX on success.
  • NULL on failure.
See also

Definition at line 116 of file tmpl_eval.c.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ tmpl_list_head()

fr_pair_list_t * tmpl_list_head ( request_t request,
fr_dict_attr_t const *  list 

Resolve attribute fr_pair_list_t value to an attribute list.

The value returned is a pointer to the pointer of the HEAD of a fr_pair_t list in the request_t. If the head of the list changes, the pointer will still be valid.

[in]requestcontaining the target lists.
[in]listfr_pair_list_t value to resolve to fr_pair_t list. Will be NULL if list name couldn't be resolved.
a pointer to the HEAD of a list in the request_t.
See also

Definition at line 76 of file tmpl_eval.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ tmpl_list_name()

static char const * tmpl_list_name ( fr_dict_attr_t const *  list,
char const *  def 

Return the name of a tmpl list or def if list not provided.

Definition at line 932 of file tmpl.h.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ tmpl_packet_ptr()

fr_packet_t * tmpl_packet_ptr ( request_t request,
fr_dict_attr_t const *  list 

Resolve a list to the fr_packet_t holding the HEAD pointer for a fr_pair_t list.

Returns a pointer to the fr_packet_t that holds the HEAD pointer of a given list, for the current request_t.

[in]requestTo resolve list in.
[in]listfr_pair_list_t value to resolve to fr_packet_t.
See also

Definition at line 146 of file tmpl_eval.c.

◆ tmpl_preparse()

ssize_t tmpl_preparse ( char const **  out,
size_t outlen,
char const *  in,
size_t  inlen,
fr_token_t type 

Preparse a string in preparation for passing it to tmpl_afrom_substr()

Note that the input string is not modified, which means that the tmpl_afrom_substr() function MUST un-escape it.

The caller should pass 'out' and 'outlen' to tmpl_afrom_substr() as 'in' and 'inlen'. The caller should also pass 'type'. The caller should also pass do_unescape=true.

[out]outstart of the string to parse
[out]outlenlength of the string to parse
inwhere we start looking for the string
inlenlength of the input string
[out]typetoken type of the string.
  • > 0, amount of parsed string to skip, to get to the next token
  • <=0, -offset in 'start' where the parse error was located

Definition at line 5472 of file tmpl_tokenize.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ tmpl_print()

static fr_slen_t ar_prefix fr_slen_t tmpl_print ( fr_sbuff_t out,
tmpl_t const *  vpt,
tmpl_attr_prefix_t  ar_prefix,
fr_sbuff_escape_rules_t const *  e_rules 

Print a tmpl_t to a string.

This function should primarily be used for regenerating vpt->name when the contents of the tmpl_t is changed programmatically, or when the tmpl_t is being serialized in some non-standard way, i.e. as a value for a field in a database.

This function is the direct counterpart to tmpl_afrom_substr.

Does not print flags for regular expressions, as the quoting char is needed to separate the elements of the expression. Call regex_flags_print to write the flags values to the output buffer.
[out]outWhere to write the presentation format tmpl_t string.
[in]vptto print.
[in]ar_prefixWhether to print the '&' at the beginning of attribute references.
  • TMPL_ATTR_REF_PREFIX_YES - always print.
  • TMPL_ATTR_REF_PREFIX_NO - never print.
  • TMPL_ATTR_REF_PREFIX_AUTO - print if the original tmpl was prefixed.
[in]e_rulesEscaping rules used to print strings.
  • >0 the number of bytes written to the out buffer.
  • 0 invalid argument.
  • <0 the number of bytes we would have needed to complete the print.

Definition at line 237 of file merged_model.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ tmpl_print_quoted()

static fr_slen_t e_rules fr_slen_t tmpl_print_quoted ( fr_sbuff_t out,
tmpl_t const *  vpt,
tmpl_attr_prefix_t  ar_prefix 

Print a tmpl_t to a string with quotes.

This function should be used when the tmpl is embedded in some other construct in the server's configuration.

It adds standard quoting around tmpl's used as operands in expressions and applies the correct escaping rules.

[out]outWhere to write the presentation format tmpl_t string.
[in]vptto print.
[in]ar_prefixWhether to print the '&' at the beginning of attribute references.
  • TMPL_ATTR_REF_PREFIX_YES - always print.
  • TMPL_ATTR_REF_PREFIX_NO - never print.
  • TMPL_ATTR_REF_PREFIX_AUTO - print if the original tmpl was prefixed.
  • >0 the number of bytes written to the out buffer.
  • 0 invalid argument.
  • <0 the number of bytes we would have needed to complete the print.

Definition at line 5037 of file tmpl_tokenize.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ tmpl_request_ptr()

int tmpl_request_ptr ( request_t **  context,
FR_DLIST_HEAD(tmpl_request_list) const *  rql 

Resolve a tmpl_request_ref_t to a request_t.

Sometimes request_t structs may be chained to each other, as is the case when internally proxying EAP. This function resolves a tmpl_request_ref_t to a request_t higher in the chain than the current request_t.

See also
[in,out]contextrequest_t to start resolving from, and where to write a pointer to the resolved request_t back to.
[in]rqllist of request qualifiers to follow.
  • 0 if request is valid in this context.
  • -1 if request is not valid in this context.

Definition at line 169 of file tmpl_eval.c.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ tmpl_request_ref_count()

static size_t tmpl_request_ref_count ( tmpl_t const *  vpt)

The number of request references contained within a tmpl.

Definition at line 684 of file tmpl.h.

◆ tmpl_request_ref_list_afrom_substr()

fr_slen_t tmpl_request_ref_list_afrom_substr ( TALLOC_CTX *  ctx,
tmpl_attr_error_t err,
FR_DLIST_HEAD(tmpl_request_list) _CONST **  out,
fr_sbuff_t in 
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ tmpl_request_ref_list_aprint()

static fr_slen_t tmpl_request_ref_list_aprint ( TALLOC_CTX *  ctx,
char **  out,
FR_DLIST_HEAD(tmpl_request_list) const *  rql 
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ tmpl_request_ref_list_cmp()

int8_t tmpl_request_ref_list_cmp ( FR_DLIST_HEAD(tmpl_request_list) const *  a,
FR_DLIST_HEAD(tmpl_request_list) const *  b 

Compare a list of request qualifiers.

[in]afirst list. If NULL tmpl_request_def_current will be used.
[in]bsecond list. If NULL tmpl_request_def_current will be used.
  • >0 a > b
  • 0 a == b
  • <0 a < b

Definition at line 501 of file tmpl_tokenize.c.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ tmpl_request_ref_list_debug()

void tmpl_request_ref_list_debug ( FR_DLIST_HEAD(tmpl_request_list) const *  rql)

Dump a request list to stderr.

Definition at line 481 of file tmpl_tokenize.c.

◆ tmpl_request_ref_list_print()

fr_slen_t tmpl_request_ref_list_print ( fr_sbuff_t out,
FR_DLIST_HEAD(tmpl_request_list) const *  rql 

Definition at line 4699 of file tmpl_tokenize.c.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ tmpl_resolve()

int tmpl_resolve ( tmpl_t vpt,
tmpl_res_rules_t const *  tr_rules 

Attempt to resolve functions and attributes in xlats and attribute references.

If resolution is successful, the rules->attr.dict_def field will be modified to reflect the dictionary resolution was successful in.
[in,out]vptto resolve. Should be of type TMPL_TYPE_XLAT_UNRESOLVED or TMPL_TYPE_ATTR_UNRESOLVED. All other types will be noops.
[in]tr_rulesCombined with the original parse rules for additional resolution passes.
  • 0 on success.
  • -1 on failure.

Definition at line 4253 of file tmpl_tokenize.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ tmpl_rules_child_init()

void tmpl_rules_child_init ( TALLOC_CTX *  ctx,
tmpl_rules_t out,
tmpl_rules_t const *  parent,
tmpl_t vpt 

Initialize a set of rules from a parent set of rules, and a parsed tmpl_t.

Definition at line 5897 of file tmpl_tokenize.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ tmpl_rules_debug()

void tmpl_rules_debug ( tmpl_rules_t const *  rules)

Definition at line 5970 of file tmpl_tokenize.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ tmpl_set_dict_def()

void tmpl_set_dict_def ( tmpl_t vpt,
fr_dict_t const *  dict 

Change the default dictionary in the tmpl's resolution rules.

[in]vptto alter.
[in]dictto set.

Definition at line 829 of file tmpl_tokenize.c.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ tmpl_set_escape()

void tmpl_set_escape ( tmpl_t vpt,
tmpl_escape_t const *  escape 

Set escape parameters for the tmpl output.

[in]vptto alter.
[in]escapeto set.

Definition at line 839 of file tmpl_tokenize.c.

◆ tmpl_set_name()

void tmpl_set_name ( tmpl_t vpt,
fr_token_t  quote,
char const *  name,
ssize_t  len 

Set the name on a pre-initialised tmpl.

[in]vptto set the name for.
[in]quoteOriginal quoting around the name.
[in]nameof the tmpl_t.
[in]lenThe length of the buffer (or a substring of the buffer) pointed to by name. If < 0 strlen will be used to determine the length.

Definition at line 813 of file tmpl_tokenize.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ tmpl_set_name_printf()

void tmpl_set_name_printf ( tmpl_t vpt,
fr_token_t  quote,
char const *  fmt,

Set the name on a pre-initialised tmpl.

[in]vptto set the name for.
[in]quoteOriginal quoting around the name.
[in]...format arguments.

Definition at line 772 of file tmpl_tokenize.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ tmpl_set_name_shallow()

void tmpl_set_name_shallow ( tmpl_t vpt,
fr_token_t  quote,
char const *  name,
ssize_t  len 

Set the name on a pre-initialised tmpl.

[in]vptto set the name for.
[in]quoteOriginal quoting around the name.
[in]nameof the tmpl_t.
[in]lenThe length of the buffer (or a substring of the buffer) pointed to by name. If < 0 strlen will be used to determine the length.

Definition at line 796 of file tmpl_tokenize.c.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ tmpl_set_xlat()

void tmpl_set_xlat ( tmpl_t vpt,
xlat_exp_head_t xlat 

Change the default dictionary in the tmpl's resolution rules.

[in]vptto alter.
[in]xlatto set.

Definition at line 849 of file tmpl_tokenize.c.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ tmpl_type_from_str()

static tmpl_type_t tmpl_type_from_str ( char const *  type)

Return the constant value representing a type.

[in]typeto return the constant value for.
The constant type value or TMPL_TYPE_UNINITIALISED if no type matches.

Definition at line 661 of file tmpl.h.

◆ tmpl_type_to_str()

static char const * tmpl_type_to_str ( tmpl_type_t  type)

Return a static string containing the type name.

[in]typeto return name for.
name of the type

Definition at line 651 of file tmpl.h.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ tmpl_unresolve()

void tmpl_unresolve ( tmpl_t vpt)

Reset the tmpl, leaving only the name in place.

After calling this function, the tmpl type will revert to TMPL_TYPE_DATA_UNRESOLVED and only the name and quoting will be preserved.

[in]vptto reset.

Definition at line 4386 of file tmpl_tokenize.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ tmpl_value_list_insert_tail()

int tmpl_value_list_insert_tail ( fr_value_box_list_t *  list,
fr_value_box_t box,
tmpl_t const *  vpt 

Insert a value-box to a list, with casting.

listto append to
boxbox to cast / append
vpttmpl with cast.
  • <0 for "cast failed"
  • 0 for success

Definition at line 1052 of file tmpl_eval.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

Variable Documentation

◆ ar_prefix

fr_slen_t ar_prefix

Definition at line 1285 of file tmpl.h.

◆ pair_list_table

fr_table_num_ordered_t const pair_list_table[]

◆ pair_list_table_len

size_t pair_list_table_len

◆ tmpl_request_ref_table

fr_table_num_sorted_t const tmpl_request_ref_table[]

Map keywords to tmpl_request_ref_t values.

Definition at line 163 of file tmpl_tokenize.c.

◆ tmpl_request_ref_table_len

size_t tmpl_request_ref_table_len

Definition at line 168 of file tmpl_tokenize.c.

◆ tmpl_type_table

fr_table_num_ordered_t const tmpl_type_table[]

Map tmpl_type_t values to descriptive strings.

Definition at line 128 of file tmpl_tokenize.c.

◆ tmpl_type_table_len

size_t tmpl_type_table_len

Definition at line 149 of file tmpl_tokenize.c.

◆ vpt

static fr_slen_t vpt

Definition at line 1278 of file tmpl.h.