The FreeRADIUS server $Id: 15bac2a4c627c01d1aa2047687b3418955ac7f00 $
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Data Structures | Macros | Enumerations | Functions | Variables
radius.h File Reference
#include <freeradius-devel/radius/defs.h>
#include <freeradius-devel/util/packet.h>
#include <freeradius-devel/util/rand.h>
#include <freeradius-devel/util/log.h>
#include <freeradius-devel/util/dbuff.h>
#include <freeradius-devel/io/test_point.h>
+ Include dependency graph for radius.h:
+ This graph shows which files directly or indirectly include this file:

Go to the source code of this file.

Data Structures

struct  fr_radius_attr_flags_t
struct  fr_radius_ctx_t
struct  fr_radius_decode_ctx_t
struct  fr_radius_encode_ctx_t
struct  fr_radius_tag_ctx_t


#define fr_packet_log_hex(_log, _packet)   _fr_packet_log_hex(_log, _packet, __FILE__, __LINE__)
#define fr_radius_flag_abinary(_da)   fr_radius_attr_flags(_da)->abinary
#define fr_radius_flag_concat(_da)   fr_radius_attr_flags(_da)->concat
#define fr_radius_flag_encrypted(_da)   fr_radius_attr_flags(_da)->encrypt
#define fr_radius_flag_has_tag(_da)   fr_radius_attr_flags(_da)->has_tag
#define fr_radius_flag_long_extended(_da)   fr_radius_attr_flags(_da)->long_extended
#define FR_RADIUS_PACKET_CODE_VALID(_x)   ((_x > 0) && (_x < FR_RADIUS_CODE_MAX))
#define FR_TUNNEL_FR_ENC_LENGTH(_x)   (2 + 1 + _x + PAD(_x + 1, 16))


enum  fr_radius_attr_flags_encrypt_t {
enum  fr_radius_decode_fail_t {
 Failure reasons. More...
enum  fr_radius_limit_proxy_state_t {
 Control whether Proxy-State is allowed in Access-Requests. More...
enum  fr_radius_require_ma_t {
 Control whether Message-Authenticator is required in Access-Requests. More...


void _fr_packet_log_hex (fr_log_t const *log, fr_packet_t const *packet, char const *file, int line)
ssize_t fr_packet_encode (fr_packet_t *packet, fr_pair_list_t *list, fr_packet_t const *original, char const *secret))
 Encode a packet.
bool fr_packet_ok (fr_packet_t *packet, uint32_t max_attributes, bool require_message_authenticator, fr_radius_decode_fail_t *reason))
 See if the data pointed to by PTR is a valid RADIUS packet.
fr_packet_tfr_packet_recv (TALLOC_CTX *ctx, int fd, int flags, uint32_t max_attributes, bool require_message_authenticator)
 Receive UDP client requests, and fill in the basics of a fr_packet_t structure.
int fr_packet_send (fr_packet_t *packet, fr_pair_list_t *list, fr_packet_t const *original, char const *secret))
 Reply to the request.
int fr_packet_sign (fr_packet_t *packet, fr_packet_t const *original, char const *secret))
 Sign a previously encoded packet.
int fr_packet_verify (fr_packet_t *packet, fr_packet_t *original, char const *secret))
 Verify the Request/Response Authenticator (and Message-Authenticator if present) of a packet.
int fr_radius_allow_reply (int code, bool allowed[static FR_RADIUS_CODE_MAX])
ssize_t fr_radius_ascend_secret (fr_dbuff_t *dbuff, uint8_t const *in, size_t inlen, char const *secret, uint8_t const *vector)
 Do Ascend-Send / Recv-Secret calculation.
static fr_radius_attr_flags_t const * fr_radius_attr_flags (fr_dict_attr_t const *da)
 Return RADIUS-specific flags for a given attribute.
ssize_t fr_radius_decode (TALLOC_CTX *ctx, fr_pair_list_t *out, uint8_t *packet, size_t packet_len, fr_radius_decode_ctx_t *decode_ctx)
ssize_t fr_radius_decode_abinary (fr_pair_t *vp, uint8_t const *data, size_t data_len)
 Print an Ascend binary filter attribute to a string,.
ssize_t fr_radius_decode_foreign (TALLOC_CTX *ctx, fr_pair_list_t *out, uint8_t const *data, size_t data_len)
ssize_t fr_radius_decode_pair (TALLOC_CTX *ctx, fr_pair_list_t *list, uint8_t const *data, size_t data_len, fr_radius_decode_ctx_t *packet_ctx)
 Create a "normal" fr_pair_t from the given data.
ssize_t fr_radius_decode_pair_value (TALLOC_CTX *ctx, fr_pair_list_t *list, fr_dict_attr_t const *parent, uint8_t const *data, size_t const attr_len, void *packet_ctx)
 Create any kind of VP from the attribute contents.
ssize_t fr_radius_decode_simple (TALLOC_CTX *ctx, fr_pair_list_t *out, uint8_t *packet, size_t packet_len, uint8_t const *vector, char const *secret))
 Simple wrapper for callers who just need a shared secret.
ssize_t fr_radius_decode_tlv (TALLOC_CTX *ctx, fr_pair_list_t *list, fr_dict_attr_t const *parent, uint8_t const *data, size_t data_len, fr_radius_decode_ctx_t *packet_ctx)
 Convert TLVs to one or more VPs.
int fr_radius_decode_tlv_ok (uint8_t const *data, size_t length, size_t dv_type, size_t dv_length)
 Check if a set of RADIUS formatted TLVs are OK.
ssize_t fr_radius_encode (fr_dbuff_t *dbuff, fr_pair_list_t *vps, fr_radius_encode_ctx_t *packet_ctx)
ssize_t fr_radius_encode_abinary (fr_pair_t const *vp, fr_dbuff_t *dbuff)
 Encode a string to abinary.
ssize_t fr_radius_encode_foreign (fr_dbuff_t *dbuff, fr_pair_list_t const *list)
ssize_t fr_radius_encode_pair (fr_dbuff_t *dbuff, fr_dcursor_t *cursor, void *encode_ctx)
 Encode a data structure into a RADIUS attribute.
static bool fr_radius_flag_extended (fr_dict_attr_t const *da)
void fr_radius_global_free (void)
int fr_radius_global_init (void)
bool fr_radius_ok (uint8_t const *packet, size_t *packet_len_p, uint32_t max_attributes, bool require_message_authenticator, fr_radius_decode_fail_t *reason))
 See if the data pointed to by PTR is a valid RADIUS packet.
void fr_radius_packet_header_log (fr_log_t const *log, fr_packet_t *packet, bool received)
void fr_radius_packet_log (fr_log_t const *log, fr_packet_t *packet, fr_pair_list_t *list, bool received)
ssize_t fr_radius_recv_header (int sockfd, fr_ipaddr_t *src_ipaddr, uint16_t *src_port, unsigned int *code)
 Basic validation of RADIUS packet header.
int fr_radius_sign (uint8_t *packet, uint8_t const *vector, uint8_t const *secret, size_t secret_len))
 Sign a previously encoded packet.
int fr_radius_verify (uint8_t *packet, uint8_t const *vector, uint8_t const *secret, size_t secret_len, bool require_message_authenticator, bool limit_proxy_state))
 Verify a request / response packet.


fr_table_num_sorted_t const fr_radius_limit_proxy_state_table []
size_t fr_radius_limit_proxy_state_table_len
char const * fr_radius_packet_name [FR_RADIUS_CODE_MAX]
fr_table_num_sorted_t const fr_radius_request_name_table []
size_t fr_radius_request_name_table_len
fr_table_num_sorted_t const fr_radius_require_ma_table []
size_t fr_radius_require_ma_table_len

Data Structure Documentation

◆ fr_radius_attr_flags_t

struct fr_radius_attr_flags_t

Definition at line 152 of file radius.h.

Data Fields
unsigned int abinary: 1 Attribute is in "abinary" format.
unsigned int concat: 1 Attribute is concatenated.
fr_radius_attr_flags_encrypt_t encrypt Attribute is encrypted.
unsigned int extended: 1 Attribute is an extended attribute.
unsigned int has_tag: 1 Attribute has a tag.
unsigned int long_extended: 1 Attribute is a long extended attribute.

◆ fr_radius_ctx_t

struct fr_radius_ctx_t

Definition at line 94 of file radius.h.

Data Fields
uint64_t proxy_state
char const * secret
size_t secret_length
bool secure_transport for TLS

◆ fr_radius_decode_ctx_t

struct fr_radius_decode_ctx_t

Definition at line 124 of file radius.h.

+ Collaboration diagram for fr_radius_decode_ctx_t:
Data Fields
fr_radius_ctx_t const * common
uint8_t const * end end of the packet
bool limit_proxy_state Don't allow Proxy-State in requests.
uint8_t const * request_authenticator
uint8_t request_code original code for the request.
bool require_message_authenticator
fr_pair_list_t * tag_root Where to insert tag attributes.
TALLOC_CTX * tag_root_ctx Where to allocate new tag attributes.
fr_radius_tag_ctx_t ** tags for decoding tagged attributes
TALLOC_CTX * tmp_ctx for temporary things cleaned up during decoding
bool tunnel_password_zeros check for trailing zeros on decode
bool verify can skip verify for dynamic clients

◆ fr_radius_encode_ctx_t

struct fr_radius_encode_ctx_t

Definition at line 103 of file radius.h.

+ Collaboration diagram for fr_radius_encode_ctx_t:
Data Fields
bool add_proxy_state do we add a Proxy-State?
uint8_t code
fr_radius_ctx_t const * common
bool disallow_tunnel_passwords not all packets can have tunnel passwords
uint8_t id
fr_fast_rand_t rand_ctx for tunnel passwords
uint8_t const * request_authenticator
uint8_t request_code
int salt_offset for tunnel passwords
bool seen_message_authenticator
uint8_t tag current tag for encoding

◆ fr_radius_tag_ctx_t

struct fr_radius_tag_ctx_t

Definition at line 89 of file radius.h.

+ Collaboration diagram for fr_radius_tag_ctx_t:
Data Fields
fr_dcursor_t cursor
fr_pair_t * parent

Macro Definition Documentation



Definition at line 54 of file radius.h.

◆ fr_packet_log_hex

#define fr_packet_log_hex (   _log,
)    _fr_packet_log_hex(_log, _packet, __FILE__, __LINE__)

Definition at line 270 of file radius.h.

◆ fr_radius_flag_abinary

#define fr_radius_flag_abinary (   _da)    fr_radius_attr_flags(_da)->abinary

Definition at line 193 of file radius.h.

◆ fr_radius_flag_concat

#define fr_radius_flag_concat (   _da)    fr_radius_attr_flags(_da)->concat

Definition at line 192 of file radius.h.

◆ fr_radius_flag_encrypted

#define fr_radius_flag_encrypted (   _da)    fr_radius_attr_flags(_da)->encrypt

Definition at line 194 of file radius.h.

◆ fr_radius_flag_has_tag

#define fr_radius_flag_has_tag (   _da)    fr_radius_attr_flags(_da)->has_tag

Definition at line 191 of file radius.h.

◆ fr_radius_flag_long_extended

#define fr_radius_flag_long_extended (   _da)    fr_radius_attr_flags(_da)->long_extended

Definition at line 203 of file radius.h.


#define FR_RADIUS_PACKET_CODE_VALID (   _x)    ((_x > 0) && (_x < FR_RADIUS_CODE_MAX))

Definition at line 52 of file radius.h.


#define FR_TUNNEL_FR_ENC_LENGTH (   _x)    (2 + 1 + _x + PAD(_x + 1, 16))

Definition at line 56 of file radius.h.



Definition at line 37 of file radius.h.



Definition at line 33 of file radius.h.



Definition at line 34 of file radius.h.



Definition at line 40 of file radius.h.



Definition at line 41 of file radius.h.



Definition at line 39 of file radius.h.



Definition at line 35 of file radius.h.



Definition at line 36 of file radius.h.



Definition at line 38 of file radius.h.



Definition at line 44 of file radius.h.



Definition at line 45 of file radius.h.



Definition at line 43 of file radius.h.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ fr_radius_attr_flags_encrypt_t


Invalid encryption flag.


No encryption.


Encrypt attribute RFC 2865 style.


Encrypt attribute RFC 2868 style.


Encrypt attribute ascend style.

Definition at line 144 of file radius.h.

◆ fr_radius_decode_fail_t

Failure reasons.


Definition at line 162 of file radius.h.

◆ fr_radius_limit_proxy_state_t

Control whether Proxy-State is allowed in Access-Requests.

Don't change the enum values. They allow efficient bistmasking.

Do not limit Proxy-State.

Allow proxy-state to be sent in all packets.


Limit Proxy-State.

Do not allow Proxy-State to be sent in packets which do not have a Message-Authenticator attribute.


Do not allow Proxy-State unless:

  • All packets received from a client have containted proxy state.
  • The client has sent a packet with a Message-Authenticator.
    This isn't used by the radius protocol code, but may be used to drive logic in modules.

Definition at line 76 of file radius.h.

◆ fr_radius_require_ma_t

Control whether Message-Authenticator is required in Access-Requests.

Don't change the enum values. They allow efficient bistmasking.

Do not require Message-Authenticator.


Require Message-Authenticator.


Only require Message-Authenticator if we've previously received a packet from this client with Message-Authenticator.

This isn't used by the radius protocol code, but may be used to drive logic in modules.

Definition at line 62 of file radius.h.

Function Documentation

◆ _fr_packet_log_hex()

void _fr_packet_log_hex ( fr_log_t const *  log,
fr_packet_t const *  packet,
char const *  file,
int  line 

Definition at line 349 of file packet.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ fr_packet_encode()

ssize_t fr_packet_encode ( fr_packet_t packet,
fr_pair_list_t list,
fr_packet_t const *  original,
char const *  secret 

Encode a packet.

Definition at line 52 of file packet.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ fr_packet_ok()

bool fr_packet_ok ( fr_packet_t packet,
uint32_t  max_attributes,
bool  require_message_authenticator,
fr_radius_decode_fail_t reason 

See if the data pointed to by PTR is a valid RADIUS packet.

Packet is not 'const * const' because we may update data_len, if there's more data in the UDP packet than in the RADIUS packet.

[in]packetto check.
[in]max_attributesto decode.
[in]require_message_authenticatorto require Message-Authenticator.
[out]reasonif not NULL, will have the failure reason written to where it points.
  • True on success.
  • False on failure.

Definition at line 119 of file packet.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ fr_packet_recv()

fr_packet_t * fr_packet_recv ( TALLOC_CTX *  ctx,
int  fd,
int  flags,
uint32_t  max_attributes,
bool  require_message_authenticator 

Receive UDP client requests, and fill in the basics of a fr_packet_t structure.

Definition at line 205 of file packet.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ fr_packet_send()

int fr_packet_send ( fr_packet_t packet,
fr_pair_list_t list,
fr_packet_t const *  original,
char const *  secret 

Reply to the request.

Also attach reply attribute value pairs and any user message provided.

Definition at line 291 of file packet.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ fr_packet_sign()

int fr_packet_sign ( fr_packet_t packet,
fr_packet_t const *  original,
char const *  secret 

Sign a previously encoded packet.

Definition at line 164 of file packet.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ fr_packet_verify()

int fr_packet_verify ( fr_packet_t packet,
fr_packet_t original,
char const *  secret 

Verify the Request/Response Authenticator (and Message-Authenticator if present) of a packet.

Definition at line 143 of file packet.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ fr_radius_allow_reply()

int fr_radius_allow_reply ( int  code,
bool  allowed[static FR_RADIUS_CODE_MAX] 

Definition at line 227 of file base.c.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ fr_radius_ascend_secret()

ssize_t fr_radius_ascend_secret ( fr_dbuff_t dbuff,
uint8_t const *  in,
size_t  inlen,
char const *  secret,
uint8_t const *  vector 

Do Ascend-Send / Recv-Secret calculation.

The secret is hidden by xoring with a MD5 digest created from the RADIUS shared secret and the authentication vector. We put them into MD5 in the reverse order from that used when encrypting passwords to RADIUS.

Definition at line 247 of file base.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ fr_radius_attr_flags()

static fr_radius_attr_flags_t const * fr_radius_attr_flags ( fr_dict_attr_t const *  da)

Return RADIUS-specific flags for a given attribute.

Definition at line 186 of file radius.h.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ fr_radius_decode()

ssize_t fr_radius_decode ( TALLOC_CTX *  ctx,
fr_pair_list_t out,
uint8_t packet,
size_t  packet_len,
fr_radius_decode_ctx_t decode_ctx 

Definition at line 1088 of file base.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ fr_radius_decode_abinary()

ssize_t fr_radius_decode_abinary ( fr_pair_t vp,
uint8_t const *  data,
size_t  data_len 

Print an Ascend binary filter attribute to a string,.

Grrr... Ascend makes the server do this work, instead of doing it on the NAS.

[in,out]vpWhere the decoded string will be stored.
[in]databinary data to decodee
[in]data_lenlength of the binary data to decodee
  • 0 OK
  • <0 on error. VP is untouched.

Definition at line 1316 of file abinary.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ fr_radius_decode_foreign()

ssize_t fr_radius_decode_foreign ( TALLOC_CTX *  ctx,
fr_pair_list_t out,
uint8_t const *  data,
size_t  data_len 

Definition at line 2092 of file decode.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ fr_radius_decode_pair()

ssize_t fr_radius_decode_pair ( TALLOC_CTX *  ctx,
fr_pair_list_t list,
uint8_t const *  data,
size_t  data_len,
fr_radius_decode_ctx_t packet_ctx 

Create a "normal" fr_pair_t from the given data.

Definition at line 1985 of file decode.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ fr_radius_decode_pair_value()

ssize_t fr_radius_decode_pair_value ( TALLOC_CTX *  ctx,
fr_pair_list_t out,
fr_dict_attr_t const *  parent,
uint8_t const *  data,
size_t const  attr_len,
void *  decode_ctx 

Create any kind of VP from the attribute contents.

"length" is AT LEAST the length of this attribute, as we expect the caller to have verified the data with fr_packet_ok(). "length" may be up to the length of the packet.

This function will ONLY return -1 on programmer error or OOM. If there's anything wrong with the attribute, it will ALWAYS create a "raw" attribute.

  • Length on success.
  • -1 on failure.

Definition at line 1477 of file decode.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ fr_radius_decode_simple()

ssize_t fr_radius_decode_simple ( TALLOC_CTX *  ctx,
fr_pair_list_t out,
uint8_t packet,
size_t  packet_len,
uint8_t const *  vector,
char const *  secret 

Simple wrapper for callers who just need a shared secret.

Definition at line 1196 of file base.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ fr_radius_decode_tlv()

ssize_t fr_radius_decode_tlv ( TALLOC_CTX *  ctx,
fr_pair_list_t list,
fr_dict_attr_t const *  parent,
uint8_t const *  data,
size_t  data_len,
fr_radius_decode_ctx_t packet_ctx 

Convert TLVs to one or more VPs.

Definition at line 647 of file decode.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ fr_radius_decode_tlv_ok()

int fr_radius_decode_tlv_ok ( uint8_t const *  data,
size_t  length,
size_t  dv_type,
size_t  dv_length 

Check if a set of RADIUS formatted TLVs are OK.

Definition at line 250 of file decode.c.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ fr_radius_encode()

ssize_t fr_radius_encode ( fr_dbuff_t dbuff,
fr_pair_list_t vps,
fr_radius_encode_ctx_t packet_ctx 

Definition at line 953 of file base.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ fr_radius_encode_abinary()

ssize_t fr_radius_encode_abinary ( fr_pair_t const *  vp,
fr_dbuff_t dbuff 

Encode a string to abinary.

This routine will call routines to parse entries from an ASCII format to a binary format recognized by the Ascend boxes.

vpVP to encode
dbuffwhere to write the VP data
  • >0 on success == size of the data encoded
  • <=0 on failure, which is the size needed to encode the data

Definition at line 1192 of file abinary.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ fr_radius_encode_foreign()

ssize_t fr_radius_encode_foreign ( fr_dbuff_t dbuff,
fr_pair_list_t const *  list 

Definition at line 1680 of file encode.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ fr_radius_encode_pair()

ssize_t fr_radius_encode_pair ( fr_dbuff_t dbuff,
fr_dcursor_t cursor,
void *  encode_ctx 

Encode a data structure into a RADIUS attribute.

This is the main entry point into the encoder. It sets up the encoder array we use for tracking our TLV/VSA nesting and then calls the appropriate dispatch function.

[out]dbuffWhere to write encoded data.
[in]cursorSpecifying attribute to encode.
[in]encode_ctxAdditional data such as the shared secret to use.
  • >0 The number of bytes written to out.
  • 0 Nothing to encode (or attribute skipped).
  • <0 an error occurred.

Definition at line 1515 of file encode.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ fr_radius_flag_extended()

static bool fr_radius_flag_extended ( fr_dict_attr_t const *  da)

Definition at line 196 of file radius.h.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ fr_radius_global_free()

void fr_radius_global_free ( void  )

Definition at line 1241 of file base.c.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ fr_radius_global_init()

int fr_radius_global_init ( void  )

Definition at line 1218 of file base.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ fr_radius_ok()

bool fr_radius_ok ( uint8_t const *  packet,
size_t packet_len_p,
uint32_t  max_attributes,
bool  require_message_authenticator,
fr_radius_decode_fail_t reason 

See if the data pointed to by PTR is a valid RADIUS packet.

[in]packetto check.
[in,out]packet_len_pThe size of the packet data.
[in]max_attributesto allow in the packet.
[in]require_message_authenticatorwhether we require Message-Authenticator.
[in]reasonif not NULL, will have the failure reason written to where it points.
  • True on success.
  • False on failure.

Definition at line 515 of file base.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ fr_radius_packet_header_log()

void fr_radius_packet_header_log ( fr_log_t const *  log,
fr_packet_t packet,
bool  received 

Definition at line 420 of file packet.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ fr_radius_packet_log()

void fr_radius_packet_log ( fr_log_t const *  log,
fr_packet_t packet,
fr_pair_list_t list,
bool  received 

Definition at line 491 of file packet.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ fr_radius_recv_header()

ssize_t fr_radius_recv_header ( int  sockfd,
fr_ipaddr_t src_ipaddr,
uint16_t src_port,
unsigned int *  code 

Basic validation of RADIUS packet header.

fr_strerror errors are only available if fr_debug_lvl > 0. This is to reduce CPU time consumed when discarding malformed packet.
[in]sockfdwe're reading from.
[out]src_ipaddrof the packet.
[out]src_portof the packet.
[out]codePointer to where to write the packet code.
  • -1 on failure.
  • 1 on decode error.
  • >= RADIUS_HEADER_LENGTH on success. This is the packet length as specified in the header.

Definition at line 285 of file base.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ fr_radius_sign()

int fr_radius_sign ( uint8_t packet,
uint8_t const *  vector,
uint8_t const *  secret,
size_t  secret_len 

Sign a previously encoded packet.

Calculates the request/response authenticator for packets which need it, and fills in the message-authenticator value if the attribute is present in the encoded packet.

[in,out]packet(request or response).
[in]vectororiginal packet vector to use
[in]secretto sign the packet with.
[in]secret_lenThe length of the secret.
  • <0 on error
  • 0 on success

Definition at line 358 of file base.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ fr_radius_verify()

int fr_radius_verify ( uint8_t packet,
uint8_t const *  vector,
uint8_t const *  secret,
size_t  secret_len,
bool  require_message_authenticator,
bool  limit_proxy_state 

Verify a request / response packet.

This function does its work by calling fr_radius_sign(), and then comparing the signature in the packet with the one we calculated. If they differ, there's a problem.

[in]packetthe raw RADIUS packet (request or response)
[in]vectorthe original packet vector
[in]secretthe shared secret
[in]secret_lenthe length of the secret
[in]require_message_authenticatorwhether we require Message-Authenticator.
[in]limit_proxy_statewhether we allow Proxy-State without Message-Authenticator.
  • -2 if the message authenticator or request authenticator was invalid.
  • -1 if we were unable to verify the shared secret, or the packet was in some other way malformed.
  • 0 on success.

Definition at line 778 of file base.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

Variable Documentation

◆ fr_radius_limit_proxy_state_table

fr_table_num_sorted_t const fr_radius_limit_proxy_state_table[]

Definition at line 92 of file base.c.

◆ fr_radius_limit_proxy_state_table_len

size_t fr_radius_limit_proxy_state_table_len

Definition at line 99 of file base.c.

◆ fr_radius_packet_name

char const* fr_radius_packet_name[FR_RADIUS_CODE_MAX]

Definition at line 112 of file base.c.

◆ fr_radius_request_name_table

fr_table_num_sorted_t const fr_radius_request_name_table[]

Definition at line 101 of file base.c.

◆ fr_radius_request_name_table_len

size_t fr_radius_request_name_table_len

Definition at line 110 of file base.c.

◆ fr_radius_require_ma_table

fr_table_num_sorted_t const fr_radius_require_ma_table[]

Definition at line 83 of file base.c.

◆ fr_radius_require_ma_table_len

size_t fr_radius_require_ma_table_len

Definition at line 90 of file base.c.