1#include <freeradius-devel/util/cbor.h>
2#include <freeradius-devel/io/test_point.h>
#define UNCONST(_type, _ptr)
Remove const qualification from a pointer.
ssize_t fr_cbor_encode_pair(fr_dbuff_t *dbuff, fr_pair_t *vp)
Encode a pair.
ssize_t fr_cbor_decode_pair(TALLOC_CTX *ctx, fr_pair_list_t *out, fr_dbuff_t *dbuff, fr_dict_attr_t const *parent, bool tainted)
#define fr_dbuff_advance(_dbuff_or_marker, _len)
Advance 'current' position in dbuff or marker by _len bytes.
#define fr_dbuff_used(_dbuff_or_marker)
Return the number of bytes remaining between the start of the dbuff or marker and the current positio...
#define fr_dbuff_current(_dbuff_or_marker)
Return the 'current' position of a dbuff or marker.
#define fr_dbuff_set(_dst, _src)
Set the 'current' position in a dbuff or marker using another dbuff or marker, a char pointer,...
#define fr_dbuff_init(_out, _start, _len_or_end)
Initialise an dbuff for encoding or decoding.
#define FR_DBUFF_INIT(_out, _start, _len_or_end)
#define fr_dbuff_extend_lowat(_status, _dbuff_or_marker, _lowat)
Extend if we're below _lowat.
#define FR_DBUFF(_dbuff_or_marker)
Create a new dbuff pointing to the same underlying buffer.
#define FR_DBUFF_OUT_RETURN(_out, _dbuff_or_marker)
Copy data from a dbuff or marker to a fixed sized C type returning if there is insufficient data.
#define FR_DBUFF_IN_BYTES_RETURN(_dbuff_or_marker,...)
Copy a byte sequence into a dbuff or marker returning if there's insufficient space.
static void * fr_dcursor_next(fr_dcursor_t *cursor)
Advanced the cursor to the next item.
static void * fr_dcursor_current(fr_dcursor_t *cursor)
Return the item the cursor current points to.
fr_dict_attr_t const * fr_dict_root(fr_dict_t const *dict)
Return the root attribute of a dictionary.
static fr_internal_encode_ctx_t encode_ctx
fr_test_point_proto_encode_t cbor_tp_encode_proto
fr_test_point_pair_encode_t cbor_tp_encode_pair
fr_test_point_pair_decode_t cbor_tp_decode_pair
static ssize_t encode_proto(UNUSED TALLOC_CTX *ctx, fr_pair_list_t *vps, uint8_t *data, size_t data_len, UNUSED void *proto_ctx)
static ssize_t decode_proto(TALLOC_CTX *ctx, fr_pair_list_t *out, uint8_t const *data, size_t data_len, void *proto_ctx)
static int decode_test_ctx(void **out, UNUSED TALLOC_CTX *ctx, fr_dict_t const *dict)
fr_test_point_proto_decode_t cbor_tp_decode_proto
static ssize_t decode_pair(TALLOC_CTX *ctx, fr_pair_list_t *out, fr_dict_attr_t const *parent, uint8_t const *data, size_t data_len, UNUSED void *decode_ctx)
static ssize_t encode_pair(fr_dbuff_t *dbuff, fr_dcursor_t *cursor, UNUSED void *encode_ctx)
Stores an attribute, a value and various bits of other data.
fr_tp_proto_encode_t func
Encoder for proto layer.
fr_pair_decode_t func
Decoder for pairs.
fr_pair_encode_t func
Encoder for pairs.
fr_test_point_ctx_alloc_t test_ctx
Allocate a test ctx for the encoder.
Entry point for pair decoders.
Entry point for pair encoders.
Entry point for protocol decoders.
Entry point for protocol encoders.
#define fr_pair_dcursor_init(_cursor, _list)
Initialises a special dcursor with callbacks that will maintain the attr sublists correctly.
#define fr_strerror_printf(_fmt,...)
Log to thread local error buffer.
static size_t char ** out