"$Id: f95cedb1e85d180651987a4ffa161e87b4b2de04 $")
26#include <freeradius-devel/server/base.h>
27#include <freeradius-devel/server/module_rlm.h>
28#include <freeradius-devel/server/log.h>
29#include <freeradius-devel/util/debug.h>
30#include <freeradius-devel/util/sbuff.h>
31#include <freeradius-devel/util/value.h>
32#include <freeradius-devel/unlang/xlat.h>
33#include <freeradius-devel/unlang/xlat_func.h>
55 .dict_def = request->dict,
"No attribute found with number %pV", attr);
115 unsigned int attr = 0;
251 fr_value_box_uint32(vb, NULL,
316#define XLAT_REGISTER(_name, _func, _type, _args) \
317if (unlikely(!(xlat = xlat_func_register(NULL, _name, _func, _type)))) return -1; \
318xlat_func_args_set(xlat, _args)
static int fr_dcursor_append(fr_dcursor_t *cursor, void *v)
Insert a single item at the end of the list.
char const * name
Vendor name.
fr_dict_attr_t const * fr_dict_root(fr_dict_t const *dict)
Return the root attribute of a dictionary.
fr_slen_t fr_dict_attr_by_oid_legacy(fr_dict_t const *dict, fr_dict_attr_t const **parent, unsigned int *attr, char const *oid)
Get the leaf attribute of an OID string.
fr_dict_t const * fr_dict_internal(void)
fr_dict_attr_t const * fr_dict_attr_child_by_num(fr_dict_attr_t const *parent, unsigned int attr)
Check if a child attribute exists in a parent using an attribute number.
fr_dict_vendor_t const * fr_dict_vendor_by_da(fr_dict_attr_t const *da)
Look up a vendor by one of its child attributes.
static uint32_t fr_dict_vendor_num_by_da(fr_dict_attr_t const *da)
Return the vendor number for an attribute.
Stop people using different module/library/server versions together.
static xlat_action_t xlat_attr_num(TALLOC_CTX *ctx, fr_dcursor_t *out, UNUSED xlat_ctx_t const *xctx, request_t *request, fr_value_box_list_t *in)
Return the attribute number of an attribute reference.
static xlat_action_t xlat_dict_attr_by_num(TALLOC_CTX *ctx, fr_dcursor_t *out, UNUSED xlat_ctx_t const *xctx, request_t *request, fr_value_box_list_t *in)
Xlat for attr_by_num(<number>)
static xlat_action_t xlat_attr(TALLOC_CTX *ctx, fr_dcursor_t *out, UNUSED xlat_ctx_t const *xctx, request_t *request, fr_value_box_list_t *in)
Return the attribute name of an attribute reference.
static xlat_action_t xlat_attr_oid(TALLOC_CTX *ctx, fr_dcursor_t *out, UNUSED xlat_ctx_t const *xctx, request_t *request, fr_value_box_list_t *in)
Return the attribute number of an attribute reference.
static xlat_action_t xlat_attr_type(TALLOC_CTX *ctx, fr_dcursor_t *out, UNUSED xlat_ctx_t const *xctx, request_t *request, fr_value_box_list_t *in)
Return the data type of an attribute reference.
static xlat_action_t xlat_dict_attr_by_oid(TALLOC_CTX *ctx, fr_dcursor_t *out, UNUSED xlat_ctx_t const *xctx, request_t *request, fr_value_box_list_t *in)
Xlat for attr_by_oid(<oid>)
static xlat_action_t xlat_vendor_num(TALLOC_CTX *ctx, fr_dcursor_t *out, UNUSED xlat_ctx_t const *xctx, request_t *request, fr_value_box_list_t *in)
Return the vendor number of an attribute reference.
static xlat_action_t xlat_vendor(TALLOC_CTX *ctx, fr_dcursor_t *out, UNUSED xlat_ctx_t const *xctx, request_t *request, fr_value_box_list_t *in)
Return the vendor of an attribute reference.
#define REMARKER(_str, _marker_idx, _marker,...)
Output string with error marker, showing where format error occurred.
#define RPEDEBUG(fmt,...)
Attribute refs may have a '&' prefix.
String of printable characters.
32 Bit unsigned integer.
ssize_t fr_dict_attr_oid_print(fr_sbuff_t *out, fr_dict_attr_t const *ancestor, fr_dict_attr_t const *da, bool numeric)
module_t common
Common fields presented by all modules.
fr_dict_attr_t const * request_attr_request
static xlat_arg_parser_t const xlat_attr_oid_args[]
static xlat_arg_parser_t const xlat_vendor_num_args[]
static int mod_load(void)
static xlat_arg_parser_t const xlat_attr_num_args[]
static xlat_arg_parser_t const xlat_vendor_args[]
static xlat_arg_parser_t const xlat_attr_args[]
static xlat_arg_parser_t const xlat_dict_attr_by_oid_args[]
#define XLAT_REGISTER(_name, _func, _type, _args)
static void mod_unload(void)
static xlat_arg_parser_t const xlat_dict_attr_by_num_args[]
static int xlat_fmt_get_vp(fr_pair_t **out, request_t *request, char const *name)
Return a VP from the specified request.
#define fr_sbuff_start(_sbuff_or_marker)
#define FR_SBUFF_TALLOC_THREAD_LOCAL(_out, _init, _max)
int tmpl_find_vp(fr_pair_t **out, request_t *request, tmpl_t const *vpt))
Returns the first VP matching a tmpl_t.
ssize_t tmpl_afrom_attr_str(TALLOC_CTX *ctx, tmpl_attr_error_t *err, tmpl_t **out, char const *name, tmpl_rules_t const *rules))
Parse a string into a TMPL_TYPE_ATTR_* type tmpl_t.
Optional arguments passed to vp_tmpl functions.
Stores an attribute, a value and various bits of other data.
fr_dict_attr_t const *_CONST da
Dictionary attribute defines the attribute number, vendor and type of the pair.
bool required
Argument must be present, and non-empty.
An xlat function failed.
We're done evaluating this level of nesting.
Definition for a single argument consumend by an xlat function.
char const * fr_strerror(void)
Get the last library error.
static char const * fr_type_to_str(fr_type_t type)
Return a static string containing the type name.
int fr_value_box_strdup(TALLOC_CTX *ctx, fr_value_box_t *dst, fr_dict_attr_t const *enumv, char const *src, bool tainted)
Copy a nul terminated string to a fr_value_box_t.
int fr_value_box_bstrndup(TALLOC_CTX *ctx, fr_value_box_t *dst, fr_dict_attr_t const *enumv, char const *src, size_t len, bool tainted)
Copy a string to to a fr_value_box_t.
#define fr_value_box_alloc_null(_ctx)
Allocate a value box for later use with a value assignment function.
static size_t char ** out
void xlat_func_unregister(char const *name)
Unregister an xlat function.